Sport Healthy, cheap snack

Sport Fitness
Hello there
Been another while since I posted, been very busy with uni :cool2:

So basically I've always wanted to address the problem of me eating only 3 times a day, and recently I've heard that it's best to give your body steady amounts of protein throughout the day in small meals, so I said right - something has to change.

For breakfast, I always eat a bowl of porridge with milk.
2-3 hours later, I have lunch consisting of different fruits and a carrot.
Then there is a lengthy gap that I would like to fill.
And for dinner I have many different combinations of red meat/chicken/fish and plenty of vegetables.

I also go jogging prior to having dinner every weekday, and one of the key things is that I really don't want to eat within at least 2-3 hours of jogging, because I always get massive stomach cramps if I do.

But I can still squeeze in a 300-350 kcal snack/small meal about 2 hours after lunch, if I have lunch 2 hours after breakfast.

So anyway, my original idea was to find some kind of healthy snack bars. To my disappointment, 99% of them have about 20-40 kcals of sugar per 100 - even ones advertised as being very healthy for children (how horrible).
Fortunately, I managed to find one particular bar (made mostly of muesly and some nuts, which has only 7g of sugar per 100, and no fat (well, like 0.4g/100). It also has a lot of fiber and complex carbs, and an adequate amount of protein. Took me no less than 15 mins of looking through the nutritional table of every single bar in the supermarket.
Great I thought...except they cost $5 for a pack of six 75gram bars...and I would need to eat two of them to get as much nutrition as I need, not to mention to not feel hungry. By comparison, the high sugary ones cost $3 for around the same net weight. How unfair :(
Anyway, me being a student with a small food budget, I can't really afford to eat two of these bars a day.

So my question is, what is something that is simple, easy to prepare and cheap that has about 300-350 kcals and some adequate amount of protein - let's say 10-20 grams? (Also, very little to no sat. fat and sugar.)

Another thing I was considering was having a whole corn for this meal, as I see the shops sell it pretty cheaply right now. I love corn, and I don't mind cooking it as I don't need to watch it while it's being cooked. Would that be a good option?

PS. I would highly prefer no canned fish for this meal, as whenever I consume any kind of oily/fatty animal product, I feel a strong need to drink a lot of tea to wash it down, which is not preferable for this particular meal.

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Try these:

Low-fat cheese on low-fat jatz with fruit chutney.

Peanut butter and jam (jelly for you americans) on wholemeal.

Tinned fruit salad with yoghurt or low-fat ice cream.

Pieces of fruit.

There you go :)

I'm with Autumn Politics. Peanut butter and jelly are always good for protein and suppressing that afternoon hunger. Sliced apples with peanut butter is a oldie but goody as well.
nuts, nuts, nuts - you cant go wrong

healthy fat AND protein and usually quite tasty..

almonds, and walnuts are the ones lowest in fat.
mix with some sunflower seeds and goji berries - perfect snack.
You're not eating nearly enough protein IMO. Fine on veggies and fruits from the look of it, but way too low on fat and protein, and overall calories.
I get plenty of fat from milk and meat.

I'm open to suggestions on protein. Also note that some vegetables like beans which are high in protein I eat regularly, as is the case with eggs.
nuts, nuts, nuts - you cant go wrong

healthy fat AND protein and usually quite tasty..

almonds, and walnuts are the ones lowest in fat.
mix with some sunflower seeds and goji berries - perfect snack.

I've just started eating almonds. Never liked them, was hoping my taste buds have changed. They haven't :(

Is there any way to make them taste better?
melantotan 2

Fruits are good for you, anything that has fruits or made from fruits, like, fruit juice, shake, salad, etc. Hope to help you... :)
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