Sport Healthiest spread on a sandwich

Sport Fitness
Hey, what is the healthiest spread on a sandwich other than mustard? Not a fan of mustard. Lately, I've been trying cranberry but that is extremely high in sugar and calories (but then again, what spreads aren't?).

And please don't say no spread.
I just posted this in another thread but you can try using an avocado spread. Basically it's guacamole you make yourself (pre-made guac can have alot of salt & other crap that you don't want). Just get some avocado, mash up it with some chopped veggies and seasons to taste. Take a spoon full of it and spread it on a sandwich.

It adds fiber, and a healthy dose of good fats. Plus you'll get the added benefit of the veggies that you put in it.

Another option is Hummus
I make homemade zucchini relish. It's one of my faves on a sandwhich! Check the store bought relishes, some contain a ton of sugar.
Yikes, not familiar with cooking myself. I'll look into some spreads at the stores and see if they're healthy or not.

Or I might just use ketchup but it's pretty high in sodium.
xtreme - I never thought of putting avocado spread on a sandwich. Hummus is yummy! It fills you up too. I've eaten sandwiches with just hummus on it.

DKB - Mashing up some avocado isn't cooking...
We don't do a lot of sandwiches, but we do wraps-- the best thing we've found for a spread on wraps is a low cal soft cheese from