Sport Healthiest Kind of Salad

Sport Fitness
Being back on my diet I'm starting to eat greens again. What is the healthiest type of salad I can consume? I know that greenberg lettuce has absolutely no nutritional value. At present i'm consuiming baby romaine salad. Would baby spinach salad be better or maybe a mix of both together? Opinions please.

Also, what type of salad dressing do you guys prefer. What brand and should it be regular, low fat, or fat free. At current I picked up the Southbeach diet (not on this diet) Italian Salad dressing. It seems to be of the light variety and has 4.5 grams of fat per serving.

Advice greatly appreciated.
Well usually the more colorful veggies have more nutritional value to them. Add red, yellow, and orange peppers, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower. Those are some of the best. I use lite ranch dressing but it still has 7 grams of fat but it is low in saturated fat.
Generally there's more nutrients in darker colored vegetables, Spinach has plenty of vitamins and minerals that are good for you, peppers are good, carrots (I like them shaved in salad), onion doesn't have a lot of nutrients but adds a big flavor punch. You can put fruit in there too if you want, grapes can be good in a salad, raisins, orange, apples too and of course tomatoes. Really you can add any vegetables or fruits you like.

There is plenty of nutrition value charts online and of course everything has calories so the "healthiest salad" depends on your goals and what you want out of it. You can add some lean meat in there too or cheese for protein if you are eating the salad as a meal rather than with your meal.

When I am trying to drop a few pounds I eat a fairly large salad with lots of Iceberg lettuce in the middle of the day (between lunch and dinner sometime), it doesn't have many nutrients but has water and fibre with almost no calories and makes me feel full so I don't eat a bunch of other crap, plus it's cheap.

As far as dressing. I usually just make one, it only takes a few minutes and I can tailor it to what I feel like eating and whats in my salad or if I want more calories or less. Usually I go with Olive Oil and Vinegar as a base (malt, balsamic, or cider vinegar depending what flavor I want) then add spices (different types that I like on a given day), pepper, garlic and shake it up and it's good to go or I throw it in a small container and take it with my lunch then shake it again and add it on. Cream based dressings are usually the highest in calories as they naturally have the most bad fats and usually the low fat versions replace fat with sugar but most low fat dressings will have sugar instead of the fat.
I don't think there is one exactly "perfect salad".

I prefer to get a wide variety of vegetables and continually change my salads. Eating the same thing everyday can get monotonous!
THE greener the salad the better,and go for olive oil and vinegar for your dressing ========I THINK IT IS THE BEST!
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I eat a large salad almost nightly, usually made from mixed greens,baby romaine or spinach. I include shredded carrots, tomatoes,and green onions. Often I will include some avacado, mixed bean sprouts and sometimes peppers or radish.
For the dressing I use 2 parts oil to one part balsamic vinegar. The oil consists of 60% olive oil to 40% hemp oil. I never seem to get tired of this dressing, and it provides me with a healthy serving of essential fatty acids on a daily basis.
I like sprinkling raw pumpkin seeds on the salad, along with sliced green olives.
You don't need a huge entree with a salad like this, making it ideal for people losing weight.
THANK you for posting that salad; it sounds great! I also eat a lot of salad, lettuce, cucumber and tomatoe with olive oil and vinegar along with veggies and whatever protein i would be having. I am going to try your salad; it sounds like a meal by itself.=========GOOD NUTRITION; IS A MUST!
I eat baby spinach salad with !/4 cup of a nonfat shredded cheese a slight splash of olive oil and balsamic syrup.:luxlove: