well....since im bulking, as you know your supposed to eat alot of food. and i do. but even if i wasnt bulking, im a generally big eater, i guess you could say. always have been, literally chugging gallons of milk in a day. but what im getting too, my mom and brother are dam near anorexic, kind of. they eat like once a day, and through out the day, my brother drinks a few cokes, my mom has a few light beers. (shes not an alchoholic, 1 beer lasts for an hour). my mom will eat 1 big meal, always consisting of some sort of meat, 90% its a steak and some side(mashed potatoes, baked potato, corn or something). dont much pay attention to what my brother eats, but he for dam sure under eats. but my main question is, is it healther to under eat? or overeat? not overeat to the point of obesity, or being overweight. you probably get the idea though. so yeah...just wondering.
also, im not over weight or even near fat. dont know my numbers, but id guess about a healthy 5'5-6 145-150.
also, im not over weight or even near fat. dont know my numbers, but id guess about a healthy 5'5-6 145-150.