Health or Financial ?


New member
I'm at a bit of a cross road at the moment.

I have the opportunity to pick up some extra work in the evenings to go towards paying off debts, but I have also been dieting and exersizing for awhile now and have lost approx 25 lbs.

If I work evenings I don't have any time to work out. I work approx 10 hour days as it is right now, 7AM to 5PM and the cleaning would be 6-10 or 11PM. I would more or less have to come home from one job, eat, feed dogs, then leave for the other one then come home and sleep. Getting up at 5 would be almost impossible to work out if I'm not getting to be until atleast 11, if not 12 sometimes.

I'm not sure what's more important right now, the part-time job is a cleaning position so it would be active, but I'm not sure.

Input would be really appreciated!
Can you pick up the extra work a few days a week, and exercise the other days?
I don't technically NEED the money, I have a good job and if I budget and follow it I can still save. The only thing about this particular thing is I'm a very PLAN oriented person. I like to know what I have to do and when and this usually ends up being all over the map, sometimes she needs me sometimes she doesn't, and I'm just the type to know exactly what I'm doing or I get flustered and mess up (Eating Junk, Not exersizing).

Not to mention, I have two dogs that need my time, and a house that needs to be maintained. I think I will just focus on health right now (which also saves money by not eating out etc) and if it comes down to it after I've reached my goals that I need that extra money I will persue something then as a way to keep my weight down.

Thanks for the input guys : )