Weight-Loss Head Aches and feeling unwell

This may not be related to my diet/exercise at all but I thought I would ask just in case I am missing something or if any of you have been through similar.

Just before last week I got really headachey and felt really ill; nasea, fatigue etc....I even did a pregnancy test because I just didn't know what was wrong and that is how it felt....like early pregnancy, I am not pregnant however ;)

Hubby decided I might be over doing it at the gym and so he told me to take a week off so I did...lost 3lb aswell lol. So I felt a great deal better and went back last Friday to circuit class and it was good. I had the weekend off and did circuit training again yesterday.....I ran to the gym, it is maybe 2 miles and I rana little of the way back....no biggy.

So today I feel terrible again....my head is pounding and I never get head aches...ever. I feel drained and weak and I am gutted as I wanted to go running tonight.

I honestly don't think I am over training but I don't know.....how would I know?

Any thoughts?


I honestly don't think I am over training but I don't know.....how would I know?

well ...
I feel drained and weak
That might be a start. :)

However, I seem to recall from your other threads that you're eating pretty much ok, and you're not working out THAT much, right? I mean daily, but not ridiculous amounts (I might be mis-remembering. You might be working out a whole lot!).

I'm thinking that maybe you're not getting enough hydration? For people who work out a lot, making sure to drink enough water is important, but ALSO ... for those people, cutting sodium too much can cause weakness and headaches. We advise a lot to cut sodium for health and to keep from retaining fluids, but people who exercise a LOT often NEED more sodium - and more minerals in general - to make up for what they're sweating out.

Is is possible that you're not drinking enough or getting enough of those electrolyte type minerals to support the amount of working out you're doing?

Also I don't kow about where you live, but here in Atlanta it's pollen season. I have had a chronic low level headache and a bit of nausea that comes and goes for about 2 weeks now. I know it's just ungodly levels of pollen in the air and it'll go away in another couple of weeks.

So ... maybe a combination of the above? Maybe you need to look at your overall nutrition and make sure you're getting enough of the right foods, not just limiting calories?
Gosh your quick at replying :) Thanks.

I definitely need to drink more and I need to really sort that out to be honest so I will really start trying to drink as much as possible. I could do with maybe investing in some multi vitamins aswell to make sure I am covering all bases.

I do 3 1 hour circuit classes a week, and I run also. I had to drop spin as I was doing too much. I don't think that is over training Kara....I hope not because I love doing it. I live in the UK.

My diet is ok (ish)....not fabulous by any stretch:

Breakfast: Porridge or toast (mainly porridge)

Lunch: Either seafood (salmon, prawns etc) or chicken salad or soup.

Tea:WW meal with veg or Jacket potatoe and salad.

Snacks: fruit, natural yoghurt, special K bar, carrot sticks etc

I think I pretty much get my 5 fruit and veg in.

Water is key. (=
That's most likely what is is.
drink a lot of water 30min before
and after. see if you see a improvement
in your not feelingwellness.
Yes 100% high stress levels, can cause all sorts of problematic syndromes, It can create an almost instantaneous flux in your blood pressure. These irregular fluxuations, stress the body, creating headaches,constant or temporary fatigue even muscle soreness. "over all a feeling like the whole body is shutting down" I am a long time sufferer of Stress/anxiety, So i know how you feel. Theres only one thing that ever worked for me. The basics of health a balanced clean diet, followed by rigourous a exercise program. Exercise is a great way to regulate the body it releases all sorts of adrenaline and feel good horomones, not to mention all sorts of natural pain killers which are by far the strongest as they work like an opiate. I hope this may help in some way. The hardest part is having a headache and forcing yourself to exercise, drink lots of water and make it past the first 15 mins of said program and those endorphines will start kicking in.
Yes 100% high stress levels, can cause all sorts of problematic syndromes, It can create an almost instantaneous flux in your blood pressure. blah blah blah.

Seriously Pomme, absolutely everything that you write is plagiarized from somewhere else, do you think that everyone is stupid, and can't plug a line from your posts into Google and find exactly where you are stealing your posts from. You are pathetic. I've seen your posts around, and you are really annoying me. I wish the mods would ban your account, it's not like your adding anything to the conversations, just regurgitating what ever junk you find on the net.

Sorry Chief I had to get that out.

Ironically I think Pomme did luck out and had one good point, drink lots of water. I know that when I run, if I haven't been hydrating all day, I will get wicked headaches. I've started to drink 4 litres of water per day everyday, and I haven't had an "exercise induced" headache since.