Sport Having trouble balancing my protien intake, & times to take it

Sport Fitness
I'm 41 years old, and weigh 187 lbs, and figured about a Gram intake for 6 meals a day of Protein.

Problem is, I can't eat 6 meals a day

I eat a quick breakfast on the way to work, usually a stop & go , and thats it until lunch.

Lunch consist of mostly eating out, anywheres from a sit down steak at lunch, to pizza, to a quick Subway sandwich

Dinner is hit and miss, as i work 10 hour days, hit the gym for another 2 hours between lifting weights and cardio. By the time I get outta the gym and head home , it's 8pm. I run into the house, drink a Protein shake, sometimes doubling up on the scoops to make up for the day, and a Snickers protein bar, thats 20G. After all that, I lost my appetite for dinner !

My workout consist of approx 80-100 min of lifting weights, and 30 min of Cardio with the Elliptical machineskeeping my heart rate around 150BPM.
I train and do Cardio 4 nights a week, with Wensdays and Weekends off.

Should I be taking a protein drink between lunch and before my workout?

Then after the workout also hit the shakes and bars?

Also, on the weekends I don't work out, should I be taking and consuming the same amounts of protein as the days I'm working out?

Thanks for your help. I been working out now for 2 months trying to get bigger and more muscular. I'm 41 years old, and work a 45-50 hour week, then hit the gym 4 nights a week for 2+ hours after work
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it would be much more benificial for you to have a protein drink in the morning then have one about 30-45 mins before you go to gym. The problem with having it at night is that the protein is wasted as your not using energy for it to work.

Also having it 30-45mins before your work out will help with muscle growth and will help prevent you from damaging muscles as well

Hope that helped a bit.
The problem with having it at night is that the protein is wasted as your not using energy for it to work.


protein isn't a primary energy source...carbs are. I don't understand your statement...

to the original poster: yeah, you need to eat more. eating FUELS energy and muscle growth/repair/recovery.

You're right to aim for 180g of protein a day. divide that by 6, and you're talking 30g per meal. Most shakes are 25g a serving, close enough.

What is your job? can you take a little container with the powder and then mix it at work in a shaker cup? That's what I do at my office. Hell I haul a little 2 gallon cooler with me to work and keep a meal and fruit in there all day so I don't even have to go to the community fridge.
Thanks for the help.

So what your both saying is, try mixing protein shakes during the day with meals, and take one 45 min before working out

Don't take one after working out later that eve, as it turns to fat

And I guess the same goes for the days I'm not working out, still try to have
approx 30G of protein 6 times a day?

With all this intake, I'm not going to gain weight/fat am I?

I lost 20+ lbs in the last few months, and don't want to start gaining weight again
a protein shake after a workout doens't make you fat (ignore everything that other person posted..)

too many calories make you fat. Plain and simple. And yes, keep eating consistent. You need protein even more the day AFTER you weight train, since that's when you're actually repairing damaged tissue (and during your sleep).
10/4, thank you