Well since school started and I have other responsibilities i don't have time to cook myself a decent breakfast, i'll just grab a couple pieces of whole wheat bread and eat it on my way to school.
Can you prepare your breakfast meal the night before? Or get up a bit early to make yourself breakfast?
I don't eat the food at school either.
Can you prepare a lunch? Can you make some good selections at lunch at school? If the selection at school isnt that great, than preparing a lunch may be an alternative.
When I come home from school i try to make a quick small meal for myself before I have to go over to the library for a 2-3 hours, then when i come home i'll make another small meal before my workout.....
Up to the point of your workout, (from what I am getting in this post), and if the previous days are in the same likeness, optimizing your situation leading up to your Workout, is not occuring (in the sense of MAKING opportunities that ARE available to you to eat leading up to your workout--utilizing time to your favor, young man.
and I usually ending up being like 600-700 calories below my 1700 calorie intake. I don't want to lose any more weight, so would it still be okay if i just had a big dinner to get me those 600-700 calories? I'd eat a can of tuna, couple pieces of whole wheat bread, egg whites, several fruits and veggies....
Prior to your workout your eating about 600 to 700, and during the day next to nothing. How long do you wait before commencing your workout after you eat this meal?
I really do try and eat in small meals, but with my schedule i find it impossible unless its a weekend.
I simply (from what I know at this time) dont agree that you dont have time.
If you WANT to eat more, than utilize the time you have in the attempt to maximize the situation of the time. Getting up earlier in the morning, and if this doesnt sit quite well with the young man, than try to prepare the day before along with your lunch.
By the way, what is your training like? 1700 seems low, and from this (unless Im misunderstanding), your deficiting an additional 600 to 700?
That would make caloric intake about 1000 to 1100c and is far too low. If this is what your doing, this is the INCORRECT environment if you dont want to lose weight. How did you figure 1700?
Your gonna have to equate.......your desire and passion for your goal and DEAL with the function of time correctly.
And, quite franckly some sacrifices have to be made. If you dont like getting up early, then make it the night before, and if both are a problem.....then you STILL have an opportunity, but your CHOOSING not to use it.......ROCK IT!
There IS A WAY.......if the WILL desires it............bottom line.........no question:
If you favor 7 hours of sleep (then say, 6 hrs and 45minutes--the time deducted for getting up and eating), then you desire the sleep more than eating. One point. If you dont want to prepare "something" the night before for your breakfast and/or lunch then something you value more than setting your self up to eat more (unless there is some other "tangible" reason you are not mentioning). You could go to bed earlier (after preparing or organizing your meals).
My point?
Sometimes its about values and putting in your goals in the mix, and through this, one finds how much they value their goals with lifes complications and variations.........If you want to eat more.......its right there in front of you.
Im not being mean. What I am saying.....is what function percentage or value percentage do you give your goals, Young man?
ROCK IT!................WORK WITH IT.............DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not pity you for not wanting to get up..............in the morning to eat........NOPE! Do not.......Work with your complication. ROCK ON!..........
YOU Steer the Ship..........bottom line.
Phates Stomach rumbles
Phates stomach
rumbles, but time he
fumbles and nutrition
crumbles and he must be
humble in this
rumble, and bring
TIME IT TO ITS PRIME! Or its a fricken