I haven't worked out in over a year.
On Jan 11th, I have to take a physical fitness test. It consists of:
Body Composition: 26% (I'm at 27%... yes, I know, I should be working out.)
Bechpress: 175 lbs. (easily done)
Legpress: 335 lbs. (easily done)
Reach .5" past my toes (working on streching)
Situps: 35 in 1 minute (done)
Pushups: 24 reps in a row (done)
1.5 mile run: 12:53 (having a big problem doing this.) I can sprint for short distances, but any type of distance running, I suck.
Any idea on how to get faster and increase my cardio in less than 30 days?
Last time I worked out (over a year ago), I was able to bench 295 lbs, legpress over 810 lbs but running still not something I did a lot.
On Jan 11th, I have to take a physical fitness test. It consists of:
Body Composition: 26% (I'm at 27%... yes, I know, I should be working out.)
Bechpress: 175 lbs. (easily done)
Legpress: 335 lbs. (easily done)
Reach .5" past my toes (working on streching)
Situps: 35 in 1 minute (done)
Pushups: 24 reps in a row (done)
1.5 mile run: 12:53 (having a big problem doing this.) I can sprint for short distances, but any type of distance running, I suck.
Any idea on how to get faster and increase my cardio in less than 30 days?
Last time I worked out (over a year ago), I was able to bench 295 lbs, legpress over 810 lbs but running still not something I did a lot.