Have exercised 3 times during that period. Like sweat drenchingly exercised, and i don't fell hungry still......i'm gonna go ahead and assume this isn't normal. Any thoughts?
You only eat once a day and either you are eating mammoth portions or high fat, sugar type foods to obtain enough calories. If not you;d be very tiny.
I do only eat once a day but it isn't high fat, mammoth portion or sugar type foods. Gave those up months ago, and i can't even finish the portion presented to me typically which nowadays is a salad or a small piece of meat with lots of veggies accompanying it. I have lost weight since though, 195ish to 175ish, but I am still not getting hungry like a normal person does.
Probably a lot to ask but, can someone outline what i should eat everyday and when? or tell me where I can get that informatoin and then follow that to the letter?
Starving yourself or skipping meals will slow your metabolism down...which can ultimately prevent you from losing weight or make it difficult to do so.
OK A) is it starving myself if I am not hungry?
and B) I don't intentionally skip meals at all, I love eating! Just stopped eating when I wasn't hungry and that turned out to be more often than I thought I guess.
I really appreciate all the advice summer, in this and other threads. I should have mentioned one slight issue though regarding my situation. I am currently living in a place with no kitchen so making my own meals at prescribed times to better stick to a diet is going to be very hard. As it stands now I know the main reason that I don't break out of my one meal a day habit is that I only have opportunities to eat out. The only shopping I get done for fruit is once a week now that summer has started and the local farmer's market sells fruit I stock up on, otherwise no grocery shopping gets done either for me. So bearing that in mind is there no way for me to come up with a plan that can work if I am only surrounded by places like Chipotle, subway, burgers, pasta places, sushi, and diners?
It is still starving yourself I'm afraid.
I used to have anorexia, I got to a stage where I never seemed to feel hungry. Turns out I messed with my body and psychology that much that it gave up asking for food. You don't always feel hungry- or recognise it as hunger even when your starving. Things like stress, fatigue, even being overly hungry can disturb the normal hunger signals.
Yea it is college housing so only a microwave available to me for the forseeable future i'm afraid. As for stuff like soup and the like, when you say "cook" i assume this means not from a can? I am going to go buy cereal, soy milk (kinda became lactose intolerant when i gave up dairy to drop some pounds ), and oats. Oh, and plates because i actually dont have any, or utensils for that matter. I don't know if i can have one, but I am going to buy a rice cooker for my room i think. As for dinner, if I do end up eating out (which I know I will) as long as i load up on veggies and get the lowest calorie option (Ie. tortilla-less burrito) will I be ok? For instance today I had a turkey sandwich with green pepper, tomato, lettuce, and onion. Out of fruit for the time being, but getting more on saturday. Its not much but i guess it's a start, well I am off for my evening workout, thanks for all the help summer I really appreciate it. If you weren't a faceless internet person I'd give you a hug!
As it stands now I know the main reason that I don't break out of my one meal a day habit is that I only have opportunities to eat out...... I am only surrounded by places like Chipotle, subway, burgers, pasta places, sushi, and diners?