Have your Cards Read

This is a really neat site, I'm not sure I beleive the whole angel readings, i just think some of the cards are really uplifting and nice to look at..

Every so often I'll go here, and just do a reading for myself and I'll get a card that just makes me go ... OK, so maybe there is somethign to this stuff..

It's neat -

Any cards come up that were especially meaningful?

Today my angel cards were Focus, Guardian Angel, and Self Acceptance

I got Archangel Michael, Music, and Study...

I thought it was so cool I got music!! Because it's a big part of my life.

i tried one of the others on that site and omg...it was uncanny..even though completely random....still I got goosebumps.
Body Care

Card Meaning: The angels urge you to care for your physical body. You are asked to eat healthful foods, to exercise regularly, and to avoid toxins.


Card Meaning: Good news! Cause for celebration is here, and it is time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Card Meaning: Your true self-radiant, powerful, successful, and intelligent-is now shining through the surface. Allow your true self to be visible to others, for you lift them up and inspire them.

I found the Body Care one to be interesting. :p
That site also has some other cool "readings" as well... a lot of them are just feel good type stuff...

Each vibrant card contains a powerful piece of wisdom on one side and an affirmation on the other to enlighten, inspire, and bring joy to your life.

these occassionally get a little freaky
Mine today were:
"Your desired outcome will occur in the very near future. Have patience and faith, and don't try to force it to happen."

Well YAY, so that means I will be successful in this lifestyle change
"A happy move to a new home or place of employment is in the works. This movement will usher in positive new energy."

I am planning a move in the near future.. so like cool
"You are flying high right now, which may threaten others. But don't descend, because others will soon become inspired by your example."

dont know about that -but i'll take it :)
Mal, thank you for introducing me to this site. I don't normally believe in stuff like this but .... wow!

I got Children, New Beginnings and Retreat. Their meanings included things like ... new children may be coming into your life ..... let yourself open to new beginnings ..... rest is a natural cycle. If I get pregnant this month then that will be sooooo freaky. As if the cards were saying, okay, you've had time to let your body rest after the miscarriage, now is the right time to get pregnant. I'll keep you posted ;)
I hadn't played with this in a while:

today's cards were:
Card Meaning: Believe in yourself, and have faith that God and the angels are with you. Ask them to help you to lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith.

Your angels know that you've been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even God. However, the angels remind you of the importance of holding on to your faith.

By drawing this card, the angels emphasize the value of self-trust. They know that you, like everyone, have made mistakes in the past. However, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent God within you, and God is infallible. The angels ask you to trust in God and to trust in them. They will help you trust yourself.

Card Meaning: Fun and play is the angels' way! They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury.

The angels know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that you need a steady flow of time, money, and other resources. By drawing this card, the angels want you to know that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. You may protest that you don't have enough time, money, or energy to play. Yet, your angels assure you that playfulness is a wonderful investment that yields immediate returns.

When you have fun and laugh, you relax. This relaxation gives you a greater inflow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine guidance, and energy. With the new inspirations and energy, you can better manifest your desires. Your relaxed and radiant personality attracts wonderful and helpful people to you. Your positive outlook creates new opportunities for you. When you look at life in this way, you can't afford not to have fun.

Card Meaning: Has your schedule been lopsided lately? Be sure to balance your time between work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships.

The angels know that you're busy, with many Earthly demands on your time. They want to help you with your responsibilities through the process of balance. Whenever our schedules become disproportionate, our energy drops. Lowered energy creates the illusion that there isn't enough time in the day, so a vicious cycle of time limitation ensues.

Your angels ask you to add regular doses of meditation, exercise, and play to your days. They know that balancing your life between work, play, spirituality, exercise, and relationships helps you to grow and feel joy. If you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, don't hesitate to ask God and your angels to lift your burden.

I especially like the Playfulness one :D
and the angel cards were:
Archangel Uriel
"Your emotions are healing, which enables you to open up to greater love. I will help you release anger and unforgiveness from your heart and mind."

Additional Message: "I am called the 'Psychologist Angel' because I help to heal toxins from people's thoughts and emotions. I am especially able to release stubborn anger and unforgiveness. I am with you right now to clear away such toxins. I would also like to work with you to help others clear away their emotional and psychological blocks."

"My healing work is subtle. I never force it on anyone. Like you, I believe that it is best to wait until someone approaches me and directly requests guidance or assistance. Then, I simply and lovingly ask them to be willing to release toxins from their mind and heart. If they are willing to do so, then the release will occur. In this way, the person retains their dignity and control, while choosing to be clear of lower energies."

"You have a gift for working with young people, and your Divine purpose involves helping, teaching, or parenting children."

Additional Message: "Children respond to your openhearted nature. You are also charmed by their straight-forward honesty, laughter, and innocence. In many ways, they engage and heal your own inner child. You seek to give these children that which you desired when you were young. You also feel an inner calling to improve the lives of children, and you may wonder about the best way to proceed."

"I am with you as a guardian angel who delights in bringing you new opportunities to help children. All you need to do is notice the young people whom I bring into your orbit. Be your delightful self with these children, and the rest will take care of itself. As soon as you're ready for an increased role, please say the word to me, and I will increase the number of lives you touch. Please be assured that I understand your temperament and will only bring you to situations that match your passions, talents, and interests. You are a blessing to children everywhere

"Spend time alone in nature, meditating about your desires and intentions. Ask the angels to help you gain positive perspective."

Additional Message: "Your life has been noisy lately, and you need to escape into a place of natural tranquility. It is time for you to be alone in nature, even if it is for just a brief while. You don't need others' permission to take care of your soul in this way. Simply plan your sojourn, and then follow through on those plans."

"Once you are alone in nature, allow your mind to wander wherever it wants to go. Notice your thoughts and feelings, and perhaps write them down. After a time, speak (aloud or silently) to the nature angels that surround you. Ask them to clear your body and aura of any stress that you may have absorbed. Then, meditate and pray about your desires and intentions. Prayers are amplified by the power of nature, and you will feel very refreshed when you return home."

Fascinating - the third one the angel is smoking crack - i am sooonot a nature person
Hmmm.. uber errie.
Archangel Micheal, Enchantment & Emerging.

Wow. Just.. wow. I can deffinately relate to that reading. :eek:
Gorgeous! I got Study, Learning & Spiritual Growth! Thanks Mal, I love the art! And I'm not even really into angels...!
I don't really believe in angels really but every so often the cards come up with what's on my mind that moment... (cue twilight zone music :)

Archangel Micheal

Card Meaning: This powerful archangel is with you right now. He gives you courage and helps release you from the effects of fear.

Through this card, Archangel Michael is making his presence known to you. He is the symbol of true courage, stemming from knowing that God's love is the only power there is. Michael is letting you know that, as you make changes in your life and as you encounter challenges, you are safe and secure. God and the angels help you stay true to yourself during trying times.

Have heart-to-heart discussions with Michael often. Pour out all of your concerns to him. Don't worry about overburdening him. Michael, like all of the archangels, is able to be with everyone simultaneously who needs him. He has no limitations of time or space, so he can help you and others concurrently.


Card Meaning: Your intentions create your experiences. What do you intend to happen? Make sure that your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions.

By drawing this card, the angels ask you to take an inventory of your expectations. What do you expect to happen today, tomorrow, or in the future? These expectations are the seeds of your intentions. An intention means that you have set a goal and intend to achieve it.

Your intentions drive your experiences. The angels ask you to choose and infuse your intentions with love. See yourself and others as happy, successful, and peaceful. By holding these spiritually minded intentions, you help yourself and others. The angels can help you replace negative mental habits with more empowering thoughts, if you ask for their assistance.

Divine Timing

Card Meaning: Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut.

Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.

Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it's simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude.

Fascinating... though not sure I quite get the last card
You'll probably get it... when the divine timing is right! (I know, I am silly!;)) I see this as the idea that things will happen in their own time, maybe not fast enough for yourself, but it will happen... When it's time! (it is kind of an irritating message isn't it? I get similar cards with the Tarot...!)