Sport Have you ever heard this?

Sport Fitness
My sis in law had gall stones. Rather than going straight to surgery, she opted to try the natural remedies first. This included drinking about a gallon a day (not sure exactly - but a LOT) of organic apple juice, and a bunch of other gobledygoop.

I asked her if she was concerned about the massive quantity of apple juice and the sugar, etc. Her answer.....

NO. Because, you drink so much juice that you urinate it out quickly, so the calories don't effect you.

I swear she said it with such certainty, I was not about to get into it further and start an argument.
So I didn't even get around to asking who in the heck told her that (I'm guessing something related to where she heard of the remedy in the first place).

ummm, ok, I might be a total dumbass, but I've never heard that calories don't count if you pee them out really fast.

So, am I an idiot and this is something I'm just not aware of? I really hope not.
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Haha, That is so damn funny!

Pfft, You already know this isn't true Dechain. Lmao, "calories don't count if you pee them out really fast". That's the funniest thing I have heard in quite some time. This might be true if your throat was directly connected to your urinal tract with nothing in between. However, Its not so this is obviously not true lol.