Hey guyys, this is my first post here. My name is Jeff and i'm fourteen years old. This website has taught me a lot, and i'm looking to lose 10-15 lbs before summer starts so i can have a nice body lol anyways to the point...
I read a weight loss FAQ in the Weight Loss forum on Fitness Equipment, Workout, Fitness Program, Fitness Articles, Beauty Fitness, Weight Loss, Weight Training, and here's what it says:
It says i need one part carb and one part protein for a well balanced diet, along with reducing my calorie intake by 500 for a one pound loss in a week. I have no problem at all reducing the calorie intake, it's just i'm a very picky eater, and vegtables are out of the question for me. I absolutley hate the taste of veggies, i wish i liked them but i just can't eat them. They're also a much better way of getting carbs, since they're fiberous and easier to work off then fruit. The thing is there, that i love fruit. I'll snack on fruit the whole day. Since they take all day to work off as it says in the quote, could i just eat fruit and work out after dinner so i can work off all the extra carbs in the fruit?? Also, i really dislike almost everything in the list of protein-containing foods. The only one i like is chicken, which i eat very often. Chicken is actually my favorite food, i cannot live without it. I'm thinking about incorperating chicken in every meal, but it would just get very old very fast. I'm wondering, is there a list of protein providing foods besides the one in the quote?? Could i just drink a protein shake in the morning instead of protein in every meal?? What i'm trying to do is make a list of what i can eat every day and mix it up a little, but from the way i see it there isn't very much options for food. I want to get into shape very bad, and since a diet is the main process of becoming fit, thats what i'm focusing on.
Thanks in advance for people who reply, this post is very long i knoww lol.
Jeff K.
I read a weight loss FAQ in the Weight Loss forum on Fitness Equipment, Workout, Fitness Program, Fitness Articles, Beauty Fitness, Weight Loss, Weight Training, and here's what it says:
going to post this here, dont know why i didnt in the first place.
You can’t have good abs, tight bum, defined anything if you don’t have the right diet. Simple as that, you can do as many push ups and sit ups as you want, but nothing is going to change if you don’t have a clean diet. So first things first let’s figure out how much you need to eat in a day.
So you got your number, this is the number you need to MAINTAIN your current weight, since you want to lose weight then subtract 500 calories off of that number. It takes 3500 calories to make up 1 pound. So with just diet alone you can lose 1 pound a week. Add in some working out as well and maybe even 2 or more depending of course on how much weight you need to lose. The more fat you have the more of a shock this is to your system so you will lose a little faster and still in a healthy way. The smaller you are well you may lose it slower, that is the perk of being so close to where you need to be!
Now you might be thinking hey I will just cut 1000 calories and get where I want to be in no time! Nope doesn’t work like that. See your body likes that fat, it will do whatever it can to keep that fat. It is your job to persuade it to let it go. Charm it if you will. So if you go and not give it enough food then you just pissed it off and its not only keeping what your putting in, its keeping what is already there too. It’s called Starvation Mode. Then when you give in a finally pig out, cause you will, your body will physically make you. You are going to get bigger than you were before. So keep those calories in check.
Now it’s not just the calories you take in, but what kind they are. So let’s break down what you should eat and what you shouldn’t.
WATER: Lots of it, all the time. The most important thing you can ever drink is water. Get at least 8-10 glasses a day, though I get more than that! It flushes you out and really truly is the biggest worker in weight loss.
Protein-Eat it, a lot of it! Chicken, turkey, fish, lean meats, shakes, egg white (notice the white part). If you don’t get enough protein then that working out isn’t going to do you any good. Try to stay away from processed meats (pre-packaged sandwich cut stuff) The fresher the better for you, and the better results you will see.
Fats-Yep, you need to eat fats. No not a brownie. Now this is just a quick run down so if you are curious as to what fats do what then go do a little homework on it after reading this, infact it would do you good to research all this further because again this is just a quick guide. You will find good fats in Fish, nuts, lean meats and seeds. Mostly if you get the right protein you don’t have to really worry to much about fats, however if you want to grab yourself a spoonful of NATURAL Peanut butter then go right ahead its good for you.
Carbs-People either get to much of them or are scared away from them. So here it is real simple. YOU NEED THEM. They provide the energy you need to get through a day especially if working out. There are 3 different types of carbs you should have…
Starch- 100% whole wheat grains, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, beans. NO white sugar, white pasta, white bread, white anything.
Now you might say what can I have, and when can I have them to maximize my weight loss.
Every meal you need to get 1 Protein and 1 Carb. You need to eat 5-6 meals a day. About 3 hours apart. This keeps your metabolism happy and pumping. Now let’s say you are allowed 1500 calories a day for weight loss. If you break that down to 5 meals that is 300 calories per meal. Its best to get the same amount each time, not do 500 calories one meal and then a 100 calorie snack. An equal amount for each meal is your best bet. Eat your starch/simple carbs early in your day and fibrous carbs later in the day. Since starch/simple carbs have the most fuel, well then you will want all day to burn them off.
So here for 1500 calories is what a sample meal day should look like…
Meal 1-Plain Oatmeal (sprinkle some cinnamon and a little teaspoon of peanut butter in there) and skim milk with tasteless whey protein scoop.
Meal 2-Tuna salad wrap-Light mayo, celery, pickle, and shake of pepper on a whole grain high protein wrap
Meal 3-Orange Chicken with fruit salad-Breast of grilled chicken in orange juice with a side of assorted fruit salad.
Meal 4-Blacken Cajun Salmon-Use mesquite seasoning and Cajun spices and serve with a side of "buttered" asparagus and Squash
Meal 5-Chicken Almond Salad-Chopped almonds and chicken with onion, fat free ranch and red peppers on a bed of greens.
See how we have protein and carbs in every meal, good fats, and the carbs go from higher early in the day (oatmeal) to lower in of day (just some veggies) And look at how much food that is! Notice the detail (skim milk, light mayo, fat free dressing, “buttered” veggies, that is Smart Balance by the way) Those details make a huge difference. It allows you to eat more food, better food, and more often.
As far as the bad goes, guess what you know what’s bad. Fast food, hot dogs, massive sugar, fried foods, over processed foods. Its common sense. Basically what the average person eats in a day is bad. And going from really bad foods (ruffles chips) to bad foods (ruffles light chips) isn’t going to cut it. Now don’t get me wrong, have a treat every so often. NOT EVERYDAY, but a little cheat meal here or there is good for you as long as it’s once or twice a week and not going overboard. Just use some common sense and its not so hard and you can still have some things you love, just in smaller amount and not all the time.
That is basically it for diet!
Now that you know what to do with the diet, the rest is pretty simple.
First off if you are extremely overweight or have any medical problems then please seek advice of a doctor before starting any workout program. This is just a basic guideline for fat loss.
Cardio-“Pertaining to activity which elevates the resting heart rate.”
Find a activity you enjoy doing. If you can’t get to a gym or buy a machine to help you then there is running, jogging, jumping rope, climbing stairs. All great cardio. Find the time and the place and make it work. You need to do cardio 5 days a week to maximize your results. Do it no more than 45 mins at a time. I recommend starting out with 25 mins and working your way up, this also will come in handy if you hit a plateau. Just increase by 5 mins every so often.
Make sure to monitor your heart rate so you can keep track of your progress and general well being. Starting out make sure you have 2 rest days either in a row or broken up is fine. Most people just do the weekend.
Strength Training- Do full body strength training 2-3 times a week. This forum is great help to figure out what would be right for you as far as what to do. Just make sure to give a least a day rest in between workouts. Recovery is the most important part! If you don’t rest properly then that working out isn’t going to do anything for you.
Now if you are going to have days were you do cardio and strength training the always do your training first. You want to make sure those muscles are nice and rested before you train them.
That’s it! This should give you a great jump start on getting in shape and losing fat. Again this is just the basic guideline, but this is enough to get you start, getting you to know what questions you may need to ask and where to ask them.
It says i need one part carb and one part protein for a well balanced diet, along with reducing my calorie intake by 500 for a one pound loss in a week. I have no problem at all reducing the calorie intake, it's just i'm a very picky eater, and vegtables are out of the question for me. I absolutley hate the taste of veggies, i wish i liked them but i just can't eat them. They're also a much better way of getting carbs, since they're fiberous and easier to work off then fruit. The thing is there, that i love fruit. I'll snack on fruit the whole day. Since they take all day to work off as it says in the quote, could i just eat fruit and work out after dinner so i can work off all the extra carbs in the fruit?? Also, i really dislike almost everything in the list of protein-containing foods. The only one i like is chicken, which i eat very often. Chicken is actually my favorite food, i cannot live without it. I'm thinking about incorperating chicken in every meal, but it would just get very old very fast. I'm wondering, is there a list of protein providing foods besides the one in the quote?? Could i just drink a protein shake in the morning instead of protein in every meal?? What i'm trying to do is make a list of what i can eat every day and mix it up a little, but from the way i see it there isn't very much options for food. I want to get into shape very bad, and since a diet is the main process of becoming fit, thats what i'm focusing on.
Thanks in advance for people who reply, this post is very long i knoww lol.
Jeff K.