Hate running, but realize i must do it

I am 18 years old , weigh 183 pounds, and am 5’11’’ tall. About six months ago I was 17, 135 pounds and 5’10’’. As you can see I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time. Thankfully this was due to going to the weight room every day and not eating potato chips on the couch. Most of my weight gained was muscle, but along with 5 meals a day came some unwanted/needed fat. I have always hated running. Weight training gives you a natural ‘high’ that feels amazing. When I start to run I fell like crap and want to give up immediately. Not only do I feel like crap while doing it, but I do after. A major factor is that there’s no breaks and its kind of boring. All I can think about is how much I hate doing this. I guess what I’m wondering is how people cope with these problems. I am definitely new to running and would like to add it to my work outs to be completely fit instead of just strong.
You don't have to run, you can try jump skipping like I did. Much more entertaining trying to get better at it and learn some new moves.

One of the easiest ways to improve your running and your feeling about running is to NOT think "this sucks, when can I stop," but to think "I can do this, it isn't so bad." Also, get off the treadmill and get outside. I can think of nothing more boring than running for a treadmill.

Also, if you feel like poo when you are running, you are probably going to fast. The problem with folks you are in good to great shape is that you feel like you can/should be able to do anything so you do, then you feel like poo.

Seriously, take it slow.

Also, watch your breathing - you should not be panting and gasping for breath, breath in two steps, breath out two steps - and you'll find that you can go forever.
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Try finding a running buddy if your a scoial bug, or if you prefer your lone time bring along some kick ass music. I look foolish when i run because I dance a little. i'm a drummer and whenI hear a good groove i do a lil air drumming.

Run outside, run in different areas, run in places that catch your attention. if your enjoying the things you run by, then you should enjoy the run.
running is not the only way to burn that fat!
you can look towards your diet, or, cycling! i find mountain biking more interesting! if you want to loose weight quickly just be sure to run 3-4 times a week