Has Anyone Know if Body Fortress High Performance Creatine Is Any Good?

I bought this a few months ago, and never used it. I didnt know what to look for in creatine, so I pretty much went to walmart, saw some creatine, and bought it. But does any one know if this brand is any good? even worth taking? it has 150 cals. And 32G of sugar. Heres a link to it.
I bought this a few months ago, and never used it. I didnt know what to look for in creatine, so I pretty much went to walmart, saw some creatine, and bought it. But does any one know if this brand is any good? even worth taking? it has 150 cals. And 32G of sugar. Heres a link to it.

Can anyone please look at the link? it has the product info. I dont know much about whats good in creatine, I know this product contains a grip of sugar though. Can some one just tell me if I should switch to another brand or suggest another brand?
Nothing on that site shows the ingredients. This is what we will need to know in order to critique. How much did you pay for that?
Nothing on that site shows the ingredients. This is what we will need to know in order to critique. How much did you pay for that?

O really wow sorry about that I thought it did Ill get the ingredients tonight. I payed i think like 16 bucks for it if that.
I cant really comment on the product as Ive never used it and dont know whats in it. All I can say it that its most likely over priced.

Its always cheaper and often better for you to have the basic supliment. This product in fruit punch flavor, which says to me that its prob got loads of sugar or aspatame in it. you would be better off having 100% pure creatine monohydrate.
You really dont need the flavoring, if you dont like the taste of creatine on its own then just mix it with your protein powder.
Body Fortess is probably the best priced stuff out there. When i used to use the protein i could get a whole can for 7 bucks and it tatsed awesome.
I have to say I despair of of finding a decent supplement out there.Any review I read will have conflicting ideas of this or that product. FOr all I know the ones claiming its great are being paid for by the companys and the ones who kick it are the opposite.The fact stuff is so damn expensive over here is a further headache.