Has anyone ever gotten athletes foot on their hands?

Check this. Been running in the cold. Bought some new gloves to help with the sting. All of the sudden I have what appears to be athletes foot on my right palm. (Insert your own jokes here). Before I spend any money to go see a doctor, thought I would see if anyone else has gotten similar rashes from running gloves or maybe even their lifting gloves.
How often do you wash your gloves?

I know this sounds like a basic question, but how often do you wash your gloves? If you sweat in them, then leave them out unwashed, bacteria could grow, which would then be transfered to your hands. If you're running outside regularly, I know it can get tedious washing them all the time, so probably a good idea to have multiple gloves. Also, gloves that allow your hands to breathe are good for many reasons. I find fleece gloves are the best in winter.

If you're washing them pretty regularly and it's still a problem, try using some febreeze or something like that.
I agree with the above post. If you sweat alot in your gloves, it could very well be athlete's foot/ ringworm. Going to the doctor to get it checked out would be best.

I haven't had ringworm on my hands, but I have had it ALL OVER MY ENTIRE TORSO thanks to sweaty people in my campus gym not wiping off the equipment they use. Over-the-counter monistat derm (yes the monistat that is used for yeast infections) applied twice a day to the areas cleared it up for me in about 6 weeks. The doctor told me the monistat derm stuff works just as well as a prescription cream and it's cheaper so I went with that. Hope this helps you!