Happy Holidays to ALL!!!!

For the very first time we [Myself, the wife and two boys] will be spending Xmas away from home, will spend Friday and Saturday in Holiday Inn and Sunday in the Resorts. Just wanted to wish each and every one of the wonderful people on this forum a very Merry Xmas and a wonderful New Year!!!! Mike and Family.
p.s. What will you guys be doing?
Awww, thanks Mike! Hope you have fun!

We will be spending christmas eve w/ my mom and then going to the in-laws house on christmas
wow i cant imagine not being home at xmas! hope you guys have a great holiday weekend!
Thanks guys, EVERYONE in my circle of friends and relatives were totally surprised when they found out that we would not be at home this Xmas, the reason for the changeup this year is because our house is like a Hotel, everyone comes here, my mom is like the Head of the family and my friends drop in each week, we have people in our house every day and especially on occasions [Holidays], this usually translates into a lot of work for us, entertaining, meals, dishes, cleanup e.t.c so I told my wife that this year we should get a rest, that I would like to wake up on Xmas morning without having to do any housework or cooking or entertaining.

I am already planning to rent a Cabin upstate somewhere next Christmas, if we can afford it!
Sounds nice Mike! Maybe we all should do this at least once!
I am driving down to Mom and Dads Saturday (Maybe Friday if I can convince Phil to do so)... Saturday help Mom clean and set up house. Sunday morning pick up Allyson at her other gram's. and doing Dinner and presents Sunday evening... It will be me, Phil, ally, Mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend and 2 kids, and Sister and her boyfriend and one kid. And Boomer and Buster (mom and dads dogs)... The average weekend at moms!
The cleanup always sucks ecspecially when its just me and mom cleaning while everyone else plays poker or something. How to get my sister and my brothers girlfriend to help is beyond me! ! ! !
Well at least you have a very clear idea of how it goes for us, seems like wherever "moms" are that's the Headquarters in all or most families! So it looks like you will be giving the others who play poker a break this time Christina? I remember you had posted once that you had won the last time you played, well, tell them that this is your Xmas present!:)

It's not only the cleaning/entertaining that we are trying to get away from, it's also due to the fact that we seldom get to do anything as a family alone since this house always has people here so getting away is the only way to have some alone time and especially since my older son will be leaving for College next fall, I am grasping at straws here trying desperately to find things to do together and as often as we can but because of school, his part-time job and sports this is extremely difficult.

By the way, I am slowly starting to see [I think] the beginning of a six-pack on my stomach and I don't mean Beers:D!!! Actually my wife says that "I am seeing things":) but I am noticing what I hope are the underlayings of some AB muscles. Thanks to you, this Pilates is really a miracle workout, I like the way it makes your "entire" mid-section [including the lower Back] firm, this I never felt with any type of situps and crunches.
Youre right Mike, it all comes down to where Mom is.. lol
I may play at least one or two hands! ;)
I've been practicing on Full Tilt Poker online. It gets addicting!
I'm glad you like the Pilates. I know when I dont get a chance to do it for a couple days I feel so weak and limp... but after doing it again for 3-4 days in a row I FEEL IT! And everywhere! But it feels great.
I'm sure your stomach has got to be hardening up... She'll see it!
I hope you get in more Fam time b4 he's off to college.
But b4 you know it he'll be done with college! It all goes so fast. I thought my cousin was in college forever, but now hes home.... jobless last I heard, LMAO!
Well.... Happy Holidays Everyone !
Hey! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that great stuff to everyone who celebrates anything during this lovely season.

Mike, good for you doing your best to keep the family close and all. I hope your Christmas is as relaxing and fun as you expect it to be. :)

My Christmas will be spent the same as every other year. Christmas Eve day we (my mom and dad, both brothers and sisters-in-law, my nieces and nephew, and myself) will go to Denny's. This is a tradition that was started when my grandma passed away in 2001. We used to go to her house every year at that time. Then that night we go over to my Mamaw & Papaws (grandparents to you non southerners lol), Santa Claus comes, we open presents, etc. Christmas morning my brothers, sis in laws, nieces and nephew, and I go to my parents (I stay the night on Christmas Eve) and have breakfast, then open presents. Christmas Day we go to my Mamaw's again for dinner. It's very busy but I love it all.

There are only two downsides to Christmas for me. 1. My Nan (grandma) is no longer around to celebrate with 2. Greg is with his parents so I don't get to see him for the holidays.

Hey I may have a new baby neice for the holidays!!! My sister-in-law went to the doc yesterday and he expects her to deliver between 24-48 hours. YAYYY!
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!!!

Christmas is an interesting day for us... my daughter was born on Christmas so first and foremost we acknowledge that, she'll be turning 8!!! We already had a party for her. So we'll open gifts, I'll make a big breakfast, my son an daughter love bacon, so bacon, hashbrowns, eggs... Play with toys! LOL

Off to my brother's house where there will be 15 relatives, we all bring a dish so my sis in law doesn't have to go crazy doing all the cooking! Drinks, fun, gifts, dinner, cake for Lakyn. I'm excited!

cheers everyone!

Happy holidays
That's GREAT, as long as everyone does a little it is much easier. I get the best of both worlds this xmas, I will spend Xmas Eve in the Hotel with just us and we will spend Xmas evening at one of our very closest friend's house in Atlantic City so I get the alone time one day and I get to party with my friends the next!! I told my wife already that we should put aside a few dollars each month starting next month for the rest of next year, that will allow us to afford a "Cabin" Upstate somewhere, this way, we can have a home away from home so we can cook, decorate the place like we would at home and have much more space e.t.c, this is the only downside to the hotel idea, you don't have a kitchen and the space is very limited. A cabin costs around $600 on Xmas for 2 nights for 4 people so "if" we can save $50 or so per month [much easier said than done] then we can afford it next year but my wife says "one xmas at a time"!:p
Happy Holidays to everyone!!

You all sound as though you will have a fabulous Christmas! We'll be heading to my in-laws Christmas Eve (packin along the two "grand dogs") staying the night, spending Christmas Day with and dinner at my future MIL's house and I believe most people will be coming there (i.e. grandparents, aunts etc.)
My own parents & family are all in Michigan so we split holidays with them, and spent Thanksgiving up north.

All and all I get to avoid all cooking and cleaning and its great! Although I miss getting to experience "Christmas" in my own house! But it'll be fun all the same!!

Have a great one to all of you guys!!