Happy Father's Day!!!!


Thank you! Gotfit! :) :beerchug:

I dont have little rug rats in the house anymore, one is 200lbs (6ft 1in), and the other 225 lbs (6ft 2in), and 19, and 22. And, full of life and Rock-On-idis!

My oldest (Dustin) is at work at the moment and couldn't call me, so he sent me a pic of himself flipping me the "bird", and with a text message saying: Happy Father's Day you old "turd". LOL. Love the spirit! When this one was little, when the Doc swatted him on the butt, he never shut up. He was a beast to raise.

The younger one (Quentin) baught me some 2 1/2 pound plates for my DB's and workout gloves (my others ones were pretty torn up), and a card. Were going out to Bass Pro Shoppes tonight for our fishing trip coming up in about one week.

I raised my kids to have an honorable spirit when young and made sure this wasnt ruined, and I gave them an example to follow.

Again, thank you!


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