To all the Canadian's! Enjoy your day of BBQ's and Fireworks!
Canadian Info:
Canada is 139 years old.
Our first Prime Minister was Sir John A. Macdonald
Our money is pretty
Canada's Capital is Ottawa Ontario
We have 10 glorious provinces and 3 Chill'n Territories.
The Maple Leaf and the Beaver are Canada's National Symbols
The Beaver is on the nickle, a Caribou is on the Quarter, a Scooner is on the dime, a Loon is on the dollar
Our dollar is a coin and we call it the Loonie
Our 2 dollar coin is called a Toonie (Yes rhymes with Loonie. Oh so very creative)
We can be caught saying "eh" from time to time.
Rick Mercer loves to talk to American's.
We love it when Rick Mercer talks to American's too.
We have the worlds tallest free standing structure the CN Tower (or at least we did not sure if it's still the tallest in the world.)
Tim Horton's is becoming our national coffee house.
Canada has the longest coastline in the world 243, 792 kms
We have the longest street in the world (Young Street 1900.5 kms
Anyone in Canada can send a letter to a member of parlament while it is in session without paying postage.
Canadian Inventions:
The zipper
The Goalie Mask
CPR mannequin
Ear piercer
Dental Mirror
5 Pin Bowling
ski binding
Basket ball
Fog horn
Lacrosse (National Summer Sport)
Nursing mother breast pads (thanks goodness)
Standard Time
Stanley Cup (yes and when was the last time we had it in our posession?)
Washing maching
Most of this information was found at
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