Happy Birthday Spiceypumpkin

Hope you enjoy your Birthday!

Get a nice cheat meal in there! :)
Happy Birthday. 18. That is a pretty good year. Everything in life starts changing for the better.

Too right, I always got told that my school years were the best years of my life. That's such a lie, life after 18 kicks ass. My only tip would be to make the most of the next few years, they fly past real fast

Happy Birthday Spicy
Too right, I always got told that my school years were the best years of my life. That's such a lie, life after 18 kicks ass. My only tip would be to make the most of the next few years, they fly past real fast

Happy Birthday Spicy

Happy B-Day!

And I second that notion of making the most of the next few years, feels like I was 18 last week...

To abruptly change the subject, my birthday went well. I went out for sushi with my parents, and then my mom and I got a big chocolate pudding and pecan pie. It was pretty fun.

I still have the big party coming up on the 1st though. That will be fun.