Happy Birthday MMW.

Happy birthday tall lad :D

Get a bday f**k for me ;)
Happy Birthday!

Is your power still out? Mine came back on the night before last, but my DSL didn't come on till today

(We had a "once in a lifetime" wind storm that knocked out 90% of the power in the Cincinnati area) I lost 7 shutters and a few shingles, but at least no trees crashed into my house)
Thanks for the b-day wishes! You guys are great. Oh, and I ate like a king (shrimp, steak, chicken, AND salmon :D) and got laid, what bday would be complete without it?

Happy Birthday!

Is your power still out? Mine came back on the night before last, but my DSL didn't come on till today

(We had a "once in a lifetime" wind storm that knocked out 90% of the power in the Cincinnati area) I lost 7 shutters and a few shingles, but at least no trees crashed into my house)

Power is still out at my house. :confused4: Might have something to do with the 3 foot diameter tree that fell on another tree and crushed 2 poles and messed up all the power lines. They are just now sending people out to look at it. It sucks, had to throw out all my meat and ****. I'm only online because my work just got power back at noon today so I came in.

Still had a great bday yesterday nonetheless!





“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”


Additionally.....you are a marvelous housekeeper.

The housekeeper..........WITHIN.

Happy Birthday........Young man!

Best regards,
