Weight-Loss Halloween Team Results



New member
Ok I have stayed up late to figure up everything and I AM DONE HURRAY!Please note for the weightloss % I only used the people that stuck through to the very end so if someone recorded their weight for 2 weeks then dropped I didn't even count those.I simply went by the INFO that you's recorded down.So here are the standings .

1ST Place Caspers Countdown Point's-1,410 (you also won the team bonus points for the team with the most peeps(7)WEIGHTLOSS % 5.3 Total LBS lost 70!!!Congrats to HAJANI & TODAY900 for meeting their GOAL WEIGHTI added the 50 for FAT2FIT'S costume!

That's your winner they placed 1st in everything!
Here is the Breakdown for the rest......

House On WeightlossHill Point's 949 Total lbs lost 46 E=Weightloss % 3.3(you placed 2nd in point's)great job everyone

Smashing Pumpkins Point's 851 Total lbs lost 46.6 Weightloss % 4.4(you placed 2nd for weightloss %)Greatjob everyone

Texas Weightloss Massacre Point's 871 Total lbs lost 26.5 weightloss % 2.4
I want to say I am proud of you's for the ones that stuck through until the very end you ROCK,it was fun and I am glad there is going to be a CHRISTMAS CHALLANGE that BIKINI is working on YAY!

Ok There is your results I am sorry if everyone didn't get a chance to post ending weights and ect but I posted in the middle of the week to have it in by SUNDAY and it is 12:24 AM Monday morning ......Ok c-yas :hug2:
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Thankyou niapage, for all your hard work!!
Yay guys!! You all did a great job! Thank you Tammy for all your hard work!!! :hug2: you did so well!
Thank you all very much I am glad everyone had fun! I fixed FAT2FIT's points both in here for the grand total and in the team thread I am sorry I didn't see the photo link,I guess thats what I get for trying to get stuff done after hours lol.Tammy


Congrats too everyone who stuck it through to the end This was the best thing I have ever done so Much fun thanx niapage. Hope too see all of you in the Xmas challenge.

all together we lost 189lbs WOW

Congrats too everyone who stuck it through to the end This was the best thing I have ever done so Much fun thanx niapage. Hope too see all of you in the Xmas challenge.

all together we lost 189lbs WOW

:eek2: thats alot of lbs for 8 weeks
Hey tammy,

I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hardwork during the entire Halloween Challenge. You did an awesome job and I have to thank you for helping me to keep track of my 12 lbs loss during the past 2 months. Yippy!

#1. Thank you again Nia!

#2. Gratz to all the winners- that is anyone who stuck through the entire challenge! Shows commitment and perserverance!

#3. It was great getting to know you all! I look forward to future challenges!
Thanks Tammy for everything, you did a fantastic job!

You ALL did a great Job, congrats to the winning team!!!!!!!!
*hides face* ...

I'm sooo sorry that I didn't get in in time to update my weight! *hangs head in shame* I did try hard though. But, volleyball is now officaily over so that I can actually have time to really get back into this website and get the support that I need.

Thanks Niapage for setting everything up and making this a great challenge!