Half of Anything diet


New member
I am just curious if this would work and even be good. Someone i knew went on a diet where she never deprived herself of eating anything she wanted but would only eat half of it and then save or trash the other half. Is this a good way to lose weight i am just starting my journey and am curious as to what you guys think
Maybe she didn't deprive herself of any options, but was she satisfied in her stomach after her meal? Was her calorie intake up to scratch?

I'd rather have a healthy calorie intake of nutritions than a low calorie intake of crap.

I don't think limiting yourself to half a meal is the best option, unless of course you're eating double the recommended intake. And since my Year 12 maths tells me 2 /2 = 1, then go right ahead. :D
The calories being eaten were in the 2000's not exactly sure how much. But ideally she would be cutting that in half so calories would be in the 1000's now. I mean if she wanted the cookie she had it but only half. I thought that was smart for those of us who dread the word "DIET". Just thought i would get some opinions. FYI- in the veggies fruit department she did not cut intake in half. only with sweets, meats, dairy, carbs etc...