Hah, hi there!


New member
Hm... well, I don't particularly need to lose weight, but I'd like to get started before things get too bad. ^_^ I'm 5'1", and weigh about 101 lb, but it's pretty much no muscle :p . I don't get much exercise at all, and there's suddenly fat in places that there never was before. :eek: A lot of my relatives are overweight or quickly getting there, so I'd really like to nip this in the bud before I find myself at two hundred pounds and unable to play DDR ;) . Any suggestions would be great, or you can just stop in to say hi. ^_^

Finally, I know someone of my height. I am 5". I weigh 28lbs more than u. I need to reach ur weight so u gotta give me motivation too, Okay.

Try strength training. I learned abt it from Shape Mag... great mag.... It helps to get toned and it improves the metabolism. Watch out the weight cos we are short so it won't look nice if we put on weight.I already feel like a rolly polly at this weight.

Let me know if u know any tips on how to lose weight.. ok

Take Care
Thanks, I'll check the magazine out. :D And sure, we'll both get there together. I've never gone on a diet before, so I'll tell you if I find anything helpful. :)