Sport H E L P - I need energy in the morning????????????????????????

Sport Fitness
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ok here is the deal. I'm 29 - never ever been a morning person. It always takes me a while to get out of bed in the morning. When I wake up, I feel so tired and lack energy. Any tips on how to boost my energy in the morning. Someone once told me, a glass of milk before you go to sleep does wonders in the morning...

any tips?

many many thanks :) :) :)
Having a protein shake with Cassin protein in it helps because it is slow digesting and yhou are not in so much of a catabolic state in the morning.

Also you could just pop a 200mg tab of straight caffeine. Also try taking ZMA before sleep, it helps you have a deeper more effective sleeping night.
Also I should add the milk option is not a great idea if you want to loss weight or stay lean because it will cause a spike in insulin. Not something you want before bed time. Thats why I recommend a cassin based shake which are low in carbs/sugar.
I think it also takes time to develop a routine in the morning if you are not used to it. I used to sleep in as late as I could before work, and on days off, would sleep in until like 11 or so. After about a month of working out in the mornings, I now dont even need to set an alarm clock, I will wake up on my own at the same time each morning with tons of energy, even on days off. Also make sure you are getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night, its important to get enough sleep.