Gym fear?

Im completly fine when i go out running on my own/or with a close friend and when i go biking but when it comes to going to the gym with other PEOPLE im scared to death. I know thats rediculous but i've always been embarrassed to be out there infront of other people. I know there is no reason really to be embarrassed cause heck, everyone else is working out too but you always feel like there is this huge spotlight right on you, you know?! So anyway, Im going to start going to the gym (finally have a way to get there :) and im am happy about it) but im still nervous, so how did you guys get over that "spotlight" feeling? thanks you guys.

leah ;)
you aren't the only one that feels that way, hence i workout at home. i do go once a week to the gym but i still am deathly afraid, but i do it anyway! maybe the more you go the better it gets, and if you have someone to go with it may be easier. let us know how you make out.
I think everyone has this feeling initially. I know that I did recently because I hadn't been to the gym for ages (3 years or so) and I felt totally out of shape.

The feeling went away pretty quick as I began to notice there were a lot of people more out of shape than me. So, I just got on with it. I'm now 6 weeks in and feeling much, much fitter and there is no spotlight on me anymore. I'm actually starting to meet some really nice people there too.

You could always try taking an mp3 player or something and concentrate on the music. I find music can motivate me sometimes.
yeah i know what you feel like!!! haha just go in and give it your all .. afterall experienced gymers haha will recognise you as a beginner so dont be afraid to take hints from them .. also remember that you are all there for the same basic reason and enjoy your self.. its a new place so its going to take some getting used to !!! maybe try some group classes they really involve every1 as a group !!! good luck!!
i take it the ppl at your gym's don't make comments. the gym i go to right now is really bad. i hate going in and i end up feeling not so good when i leave. i spend most of the time trying to keep my eyes closed, lol when i can. i'm going to try the mp3 player, then i won't hear the comments. ps. to all those gymers out there- calling women an animal etc. does not come off as a positive comment, so use some self control. it gives me the creeps.
yeah, you are definitely not alone on this one. For me, it's the ONLY bad thing about the gym, because some ppl are nice and they start to get familiar to you but others arent n you feel rather uncomfortable.
Anyway, get over that and make some friends at the gym.
Well, if I could choose I'd train at home but since I dont have enough space I'll just have to put up with the conditions offered :)
its not even that ppl are or aren't nice its the creeps that stare at you and make stupid comments. you know what i mean . they could just compliment you, to your face even instead of the just loud enough so you can hear it and get everyone else looking to, way. it just make a woman a little uncomfortable. oh well there is a new gym that just opened up so i think i'll join it after christmas and hope its better!
I just bring my mp3 player to avoid hearing comments(even if my battery is dead I just put in the headphones), or being asked for help.. and I kinda keep a nasty look on my face lol.. It keeps most people from trying to talk to me, but there is still those certain people lol..
Its probably different for women than men but, my gym doesn't appear to have that problem. If you're being made to feel uncomfortable, I think thats a shame and I hope that the new gym is a whole lot better. I was working out alone before but, found it difficult to motivate myself so, the gym has been a godsend for me...I really look forward to going so, motivation is no longer a problem.

Perhaps you could go along with a friend?
damn, disrespectful hints would definitely get me complaining lol.. good luck with the new gym Jenn..thankfully Ive never gone through any "unhappy moment", but some ppl are simply rude n bitchy all the time.. it evens make you unmotivated to wake up in the morning, but there are also nice ppl (n cute ppl ;) lmao) that motivate you.
I never really felt an intense gym fear before. I guess because I was in that kind of environment at a younger age...constant exposure breeds adaptation. I might feel inadequate later on when I'm forced to hit the big gyms where almost everyone is working out with 6x more weight than I am...I do notice that from time to time I'll stay away from doing exercises I suck at (compared to the best guys in the area), even though I want to improve.
i'm just gonna get the saying "if you can read this your staring, now screwoff" plastered on my clothes. lmao -not really. it would be funny though.
lmao now i just may have to do it. its either that or a t shirt that says " yeah i'm an animal watch out i bite" lol.
exams? Is that what the signature is about, the 15th? What are the exams?