Weight-Loss Guinness

Many people think that anything that says Guinness on it is like drinking pure liquid bread. Did you know that a Guinness Draught only has 129 calories? In comparison, a typical Bud has 145. In addition to that, dark beer is packed with flavinoids, which gives you more antioxidants, which protects your heart. So basically, if you're going to drink anyway, Guinness is alot better for you than most people think. :)
guiness has been running an ad campaign with that very same info in it - i guess to counteract the one that bacardi has been running for a while - about the no carbness of rum and diet coke (which nutritionists say that rum and diet coke is a terrible choice because it gets you drunk faster and you drink more) ( the no carbness is an interesting ad campaign pretty much any distilled beverage is no carb but bacardi leaves that bit out)

It's still emptish calories and over indulging leads to the inability to not say to to fried pub foods...