Guilt... How to get rid of it?


New member
Well im back on the stressy road of loosing weight again. Its like never ending curse that i just cant get rid of. :banghead:

Anyway my question... How can i get rid of the guilty feeling? I have a small habit of doing really well and then suddenly I 'have a bad moment' and thats it.. i'm off the wagon and pretty much back to where i started again. Is it because im putting too much pressure on myself which is why i'm not succeding? I think i just get discouraged too quickly. :S
read aroundthe forum -and search n "managing expectations".. you'll find a lot of helpful advice... but you really have to find it in yourself.

What does guilt give you?

there are a lot of drama queen, martyr, persecution complex types ou there who really get off ont he guilt and enjoy it and look forward to it because it gives them a convenient excuse for not doing something - so what does guilt make you feel?

The second trap a lot of people fall into is putting themselves on a plan so restrictive that they really have no chocie but to go off of it - so are you on a diet - that's depriving you - or are you doing a lifestyle change learning new habits and such
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there are a lot of drama queen, martyr, persecution complex types ou there who really get off ont he guilt and enjoy it and look forward to it because it gives them a convenient excuse for not doing something - so what does guilt make you feel?

This is completely true.

If you expect a few "failures", or going off the path, it's much less of a big deal.

A lot of my patients stick to some very strict plan, deviate a bit, and give up.
I agree that a lot of the time it is their way of justifying giving up.

A lot of this seems to be related to self worth. We all make mistakes, but when you do, do you hate yourself for it?

That alone can make all the difference.

Brian Dean MS,RD
Collaboration Coordinator, NutriYoga LLC
Well im back on the stressy road of loosing weight again. Its like never ending curse that i just cant get rid of. :banghead:

Anyway my question... How can i get rid of the guilty feeling? I have a small habit of doing really well and then suddenly I 'have a bad moment' and thats it.. i'm off the wagon and pretty much back to where i started again. Is it because im putting too much pressure on myself which is why i'm not succeding? I think i just get discouraged too quickly. :S

I am the same way as you and am trying to slowly learn how to not be guilty when I slip up. Afterall we are human and we do make mistakes. The important thing is that you remember that, and keep on with your journey. One, two or even a week of cheating is better than being stuck in a lifestyle you hate. Don't give up.
I sometimes break down, and gorge myself in foods that I am not supposed to eat, but the next day is a new day, so I don't give up and keep going. Sure I might have gained a few pounds from eating too much, but that should not matter...guilt should not stop you, but encourage you to go along with your lifestyle changes even more...make the guilt aim towards the fact that you slipped up, and that you shouldn't do it again, and even if you do its alright...what's one day of bad eating verses a whole life? A lot of weight is what that is
One, two or even a week of cheating is better than being stuck in a lifestyle you hate. Don't give up.
Instead of cheating - change your lifestyle so that you don't hate it and can live with it for ever... There's no need to cheat if you're not depriving yourself of anything.. just make what you want fit in your daty
Hmm Of course everything that you guys are saying is true. I need to find ways of brining my 'new lifestyle' into my old one so that i can enjoy myself but still loose weight. I dunno... just feels like ive spent my whole life doing it! Its getting that motivation to get on and actually do something about it. lol