Growth Hormones Supplements

I am researching these supplements claiming to increase the growth hormone levels:
(1) GABA
(2) ZMA
(3) Bulgarian Tribulus

On the internet, I have read people swearing by them; saying that it was banned in UK ()

Also, what do you make out of this study on GABA:

I wonder if these are safe. And if yes then which to prefer over others.
What is the best time take them i.e. before workout or before bed.
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I have been taking ZMA, GABA and Bulgarian Tribulus for almost eight weeks now and have not had any side affects. I take ZMA and GABA an hour before I go to bed, giving them a gap of half an hour so not to mix as much as possible. I take the tribulus 3 a day, one with each main meal.
Great thanks.

Do you see any improvements as a result of these supplements? If yes, are to able to quantify the gains?
I have only been doing weights for eight weeks and have made visual gains (not massive) but am not too sure to be honest if it`s from the training I`m doing or from the supplements. Probably a mix of both.

I`m having a break from them and starting on Norateen II as of tomorrow, which sounds good.
You've only beem lifting weights for 8 weeks and you are already stacking supplements to try to increase your growth hormones. :eek:

Before blowing all your cash on stuff that may have little or no effect at all, why not concentrate on eating properly and training with good form? If you do hit a plateau, or are not showing gains, change up your diet or your routines.

There is NO need at such an early point in your training that you need to be looking into these supplements.

At most, maybe start with some whey protein to be sure you are getting enough protein in your diet, besides that, save your money.
none of those are gonna significantly increase HGH production...if they do anything at all.
Tribulus has been debunked years ago.
ZMA is good for zinc supplementation, and getting a solid nights sleep.

otherwise, listen to SXIPro.
malkore said:
none of those are gonna significantly increase HGH production...if they do anything at all.

Really? Some people claim to have done tests and claim that these can increase the testosterone levels by 30%

If these do not increase testosterone then I wont bother.

malkore said:
Tribulus has been debunked years ago.
malkore, please do not mind, but, I am very sure that is not true.
Do you have reference, review or tests to base your opinion on?

I do not know about Bulgarian Tribulus, but TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS, for many centuries, has been used to treat infertility, low sperm count, decreased libido.

What I do not know if it increases testosterone levels as well.
Trib will raise libido to a certain point but has very little to do with what most people think of when raising test levels. The GABA is a wonderful supplement in my opinion...lots of wonderful nights sleep there.
GABA = Deeper Sleep =(maybe)= more HGH production

The difference would be minimal, and I dunno if you could say GABA = HGH or IGf1 or w/e
mreik said:
GABA = Deeper Sleep =(maybe)= more HGH production

The difference would be minimal, and I dunno if you could say GABA = HGH or IGf1 or w/e

Right. I agree with you. I think it'd take a long run of GABA to make an impact anyway. My thoughts come from not getting a lot of sleep and seeming to have better sleep on the little I get which def. impacts daily performance...not just in the gym. However, I think GABA, ZMA, and etc is the last thing on anyones list if they're not taking a multi, fish oil, good food choices, etc
ManLondon said:
Really? Some people claim to have done tests and claim that these can increase the testosterone levels by 30%

You cant believe all test results. That would mean that all supplements are good, since they all have positive results in the "test".
The heating pad thing you wrap around your stomach can claim to increase fat loss by 20-30%, but that doesnt mean it will work. The results are made to go the way they want them, thats all.
first off, is a scam. every supp there gets a glowing review, because they sell it.
its like a cheaper, online GNC store. almost useless IMO.

also, are you asking about Human Growth Hormone, or Testosterone? They are NOT THE SAME THING, but you seem to be using them interchangably in your posts.

I would agree that getting better sleep at night might boost natural HGH (and/or Test) levels, but that's an indirect effect of the supplement. You could take melatonin to sleep well at night and get the same results.
tonymcclellan said:
You cant believe all test results. That would mean that all supplements are good, since they all have positive results in the "test".
The heating pad thing you wrap around your stomach can claim to increase fat loss by 20-30%, but that doesnt mean it will work. The results are made to go the way they want them, thats all.

Very true! I am bit skeptical and hence I wanted to check you guys.
malkore said:
first off, is a scam. every supp there gets a glowing review, because they sell it.
its like a cheaper, online GNC store. almost useless IMO.

I have been to few times and was able to find few useful articles. However, while researching HGH, I also got the impression that the reviews at may not have been totally unbiased.

malkore said:
also, are you asking about Human Growth Hormone, or Testosterone? They are NOT THE SAME THING, but you seem to be using them interchangably in your posts.
Nice job point it out. I may have made that mistake. Biology has never been a subject of my choice at school. Though would not say the same for practical biology.:)

I have a vague idea on HGH and Testosterone, but, maybe someone could enlighten me on both.

Reading from the websites, I got the impression that both HGH and Testosterone, increase muscle mass and are used by body builders and athletes.

"HGH has been used with some success to combat the weight loss and general wasting characteristic of AIDS and cancer. It is used illegally by bodybuilders and athletes to increase muscle mass."

"Increase of muscle mass for bodybuilding related to lowered testosterone production as a result of steroids and heavy loads on the body. Tribestan stimulates protein synthesis as well."

I have an idea, actually. Today, I have received my order of ZMA and Tribulus Terrestris from

I am thinking of taking these two supplements. I would like do a test on myself and see if these make a difference to me. Is there an easy and sure way to test the direct effects of these supplements on me. i.e. can I somehow measure the increase in testosterone levels as a result of taking these supplements? Any suggestions?

PS: I am already taking Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil + Pumpkin seed oil capsules. I take proteins and carbohydrate (100% maltodextrin) supplements. Included in diet is enormous amounts of fruits and some eggs and nuts.
Used to take multi-vitamin tablets few months ago.

I cant take Fish Oil capsules (or any meat or sea food) as I am vegetarian.
sounds more like you're vegan if you won't use any animal products.

best of luck. its hard to get really good results on a diet that prohibits any animal products. Soy isn't ideal protein,a nd many men feel very bloated when using 1g a day of soy/vegetable protein to meet their dietary needs.
I am a vegetarian and not vegan. I take eggs, milk and milk products.

I agree with you that it is harder to gain weight on vegetarian diet but not impossible. Even then, gaining few extra inches on my biceps relatively easily can never convince me to eat meat.
Also, there are plenty of people with superbly built bodies on vegetarian diets.

"Dr. Gary Fraser, Professor of Epidemiology at Loma Linda University, affirms that fruit, vegetables and fiber protect one against heart diseases. It has been clinically tested that because of less fat and zero cholesterol, vegetarian diet is much better. So, when you try a fruit and vegetable diet, you will find yourself light, relaxed and spiritualized. Remember that what you eat and what you think is what you are. The food taken into your body is what gradually, but surely forms your thought-patterns. And your thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, are in total control of your body's health or lack of it. So, you have a responsibility towards yourself. One of my mottos is: Choose health! Choose Vegetarianism!"

You can go through these links.
All these crazy suppliments that claim to make you Bigger and Stronger are getting OUT OF CONTROL.

Take a protein suppliment, maybe some creatine if you don't eat enough red meat in your diet and put your emphasis on intensity levels in the gym. The only way you are going to make gains is to push your body beyond what you think you can do.

You need to increase your work load every workout. When your arms or legs wont move a weight for a final rep, your mind and will need to move it. Thats how you make gains.

You can spend hundreds of dollars a month on all that crap and for the most part, unless your diet is extremelly deficient, the only gain is frustration and the only thing you'll lose is your $$$.....

Just my $0.02

Thanks very much for your incredibly valuable comments. Very well said!

Health industry must be worth billions of pounds. Unfortunately, junk "food" is cheap and for healthly food, you have to pay a hefty premium.

There are huge scandals in the supplements markets. They come up with fancy names and fancy reviews. People pay £10 for a bottle that is worth a fraction of that value.

People want to build up easily and in less time. It is human nature to find short-cuts. If people do not get proper advice, they do end up paying through nose.

Once again, thanks.