Sport grilled chicken from a fast food place

Sport Fitness
right now i don't have time to get to the grocery store, in the mean time can I get a grilled chicken sandwhich from a fast food place and just eat the grilled chicken and vegetables (discard bread, and no condiments), or do they do add something (fat, chemicals, etc..) to the chicken to make it taste better? If it makes any difference I'm thinking of Whataburger.
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No, i'm at work. I'm going to get to the grocery store this weekend hopefully. I'll probably pick up a salad and have some tuna at home.
what about the food they have at grocery stores, not the kind out their in the freezers where you have to go home and cook, but you know how they have bakeries with cakes then another section with sandwhiches, vegatbales, etc..? That are already cooked and you just microwave? Are those prepared healthy the same way as the food out in the grocery store? or do they add/process a buncha stuff to it? I'm not a good cook and don't like to nor have the time. I'd rather pick up some stuff I can take home and refridgerate and bring to work and microwave.
If you dont have time, get your wife or mom to throw some chicken in the oven for ya. it only takes about 25 to 30 minutes, and it dosent require babying or nothing. Besides, once you cook it, it will last for a good week. Also, throw together some brown rice(or do the mom/wife idea) and send that, along with the chicken, in a tuba-where to work with you. You can just as easily brown bag it with a can of tuna and whatever you wanna bring along with that. That meal dosent take but 2 minutes.
Abcd (not AcDc) Go get a cook book, seriously its easy to make chicken about 30 mins and your done. Drizzle some pineapple sauce on top of the chicken with some red and green bell peppers and while thats cooking steam some vedgys or/and some brown rice on the stove top and you have a damn good meal, and if you cook more then you can eat, you can save the other pieces with the left over vedgys for your lunch next day.

If you are absolutely against cooking. then those pre-made meals at grocery store are alright although It might be wise to ask where they get the meat they cook and ask for the ingredient list of every item you buy make sure their are no nitrites,nitrates,MSG,Partly hydrogenated oils, basically any type of filler or non naturally occurring item in the food. If you see an odd item write it down and come back and ask in the forum.
Thanks for the advise!

I'll check out some recipes, do you have any links to places that have healthy recipes? I don't want to add any ingredients that won't be healthy. Maybe some marinades that I can get at the store? As for brown rice, can I get one of those Rice'o Roni things? or do those have some kind of artificial flavoring, etc.. added?
If you get a food that states "cook me in the microwave" its a clear cut sign it is NOT good for you.

Get the rice you cook on the stove, simply bring water to a boil then stick the rice bag in for about 7-8 minutes and your done. Sorry i do not have any healthy recipe sites i know of. Im sure other people on the forum do. I might do some goggling later on to night after i get back home and post back if i find a site i find good.
I'm planning on going to a nutritionist so I can find out exactly how many calories, protein, carbs., etc.. I need. Since I don't know if the ingredients (spices, flavors, marinades, etc..) I put in my cooking will be harmful to me.
healthy recipes section of the forum may help.