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New member

hey everyone...i figured i would post a lil something about me like the forum says. i'm currently a sophomore in college (about to turn 19 yay!) so i guess i'm trying to lose the freshman 15. the last time i was serious about losing weight was before my senior prom when i went on a crash diet and i lost over 10 lbs in 3 weeks, but then i gained it all back and then some once i started college. I'm 5'2 and 1/2 (the half inch counts!) so I guess I should be about 115 lbs, so that means I have 25-30 lbs to lose...i'm not quite sure because i've been avoiding the scale ever since the new year started, eek! living with two roommates who are like size 0s and can eat whatever they want when they want makes it really hard to keep focus on my goals. i'm not interested in any fads, just want to eat healthier and exercise more. i look forward to reading all the advice here.

Hi! glad you found us!! We are all very close, many of us are like family, so I know you'll find the support you need here!

You'll do great, I just know it!

Let me know if you have any questions!
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