Greetings, Salutations, and Hello

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New member
Hi there! So obviously I'm new to the forum, and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. :) Likely to post in the diaries section tomorrow, because that's the tool I feel will probably help me most. Honestly I'm not sure what else to say about myself...

Quick question: how do you get tickers to work in your signature? I've tried both html code and bbcode, but they always revert to plaintext after I've saved them. I'm active in another XenForo-hosted forum, but tbh I've never really gotten the hang of graphics in sigs. =\

Anyway, I'm happy to be here, happy to be sharing my journey with all you lovely folks, and looking forward to a brighter, healthier future!
Edit: I figured out the ticker thing. Looks like it just displays as plain text in the signature edit box! Anyway hi!!

Edit to the edit: Thanks @Trusylver! Looks like we sorted it out at the same time. lol

...Or not I guess...? I had edited the signature, noticed that it mucked up the formatting. Pasted the same bbcode as before, and now it's gone.
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Mrrf. So the bbcode posts in a forum post but won't take in my signature. Also shows in my signature as an image in the editing box, but as plaintext in forum posts. Like so:

And upon logging out then back in a number of times and checking what my thread looks like it appears that even the plaintext doesn't appear? This is irritating...
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Hi, Hawthorne & welcome to the forum. Are you on a phone, because your ticker is visible as a signature on my laptop? I can never see sigs on my phone. Cheers, Cate.
Welcome to the forum! I am looking forward to following your progress.
Honestly I'm not sure what else to say about myself...
Here are some suggestions:

Edited 26th August, 2019, by Cate-
Copied & amended from a post by Trusylver in the newcomers' section-
First-time members looking for help often do not provide enough information in their post for others to provide meaningful help.
Try to list the information that will help other members help you-
For example-
Any medical conditions which may have an impact on weight loss or ability to exercise. Usually, medical conditions will be best sorted out by seeing your medical practitioner.
Age and sex
Weight (be sure to mention whether it is in lb or kg)
Height (for BMI calculation)
Bodyfat % (a better guide to obesity levels and calculating nutrition information if available), if you know it.

What your current diet looks like (food, calories and macro information if possible)

Current exercise (type, frequency, duration)

Remember, just saying "I am fat, please help me lose weight" will not provide enough information to get the answer you want.
@Cate I was on my laptop, but maybe it was derping or something because I can see my own sig now. Weird.
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