Sport Green tea

Sport Fitness
HOW many people on this site drink green tea, if so raise your hand? I have been drinking it for about a year, and i LOVE it is very good tasting with little lemon or whatever citrus you might like, i drink a cup before lifting and cardio and i am ready to go! I have a total of 4 cups a day.
I drink it nearly every morning with lemon.
HOW many people on this site drink green tea, if so raise your hand? I have been drinking it for about a year, and i LOVE it is very good tasting with little lemon or whatever citrus you might like, i drink a cup before lifting and cardio and i am ready to go! I have a total of 4 cups a day.

I don't take the pill form.

I am very strict about what goes in this mouth (no, out of context here, fella's, :)) But I do drink the liquid on a occasion, most notably when diet points to it; I tend to increase my caffeine (and sources and timing of this caffeine because of its diuretic capabilities, mainly), when trying to get lean.

The sources I am referring to are NOT any over the counter crap (pills, energy drinks, No-Doze, etc), but just plain regular iced/hot tea, green tea iced/or hot, and coffee. I can be a walking coffee pot sometimes. ;)

Best regards,

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I love green tea but I don't drink it for health reasons, I just love the taste of a mild green tea with meals.
I sometimes drink flavored green teas (pomegranate-raspberry green tea for example) because they are tasty, but its not my favorite. I tend towards oolong or vanilla red tea; delicious with a splash of soy milk and a teaspoon of honey :)
i drink green tea as well. although lately i've been drinking more coffee than anything.
I have to have a coffee everyday otherwise I get a headache *embarassment* but only one - I don't need like 3 or 4. If I don't have it within like 2-3 hrs of waking up I get a headache.
I've tried green tea - didn't like it. But I do drink herbal teas from T2 occasionally, am having a "bright night" tea right now with a drop of honey. YUM
I have to have a coffee everyday otherwise I get a headache *embarassment* but only one - I don't need like 3 or 4. If I don't have it within like 2-3 hrs of waking up I get a headache.
I've tried green tea - didn't like it. But I do drink herbal teas from T2 occasionally, am having a "bright night" tea right now with a drop of honey. YUM

Caffeine addiction :mad:
I've been drinking green tea for about a year, after being advised by my dentist to try it as an alternative to black tea as it was staining my teeth pretty bad.
I would drink about 5 cups a day either hot or cold it's tasty either way, but I don't notice any health benefits for it tbh.
Caffeine addiction :mad:

I know i know. I only started drinking it like a year ago, but I was working in the city so it was just routine for me to get one from the cafe next door every morning, now I can't live without it:( i think it would be too painful to try and break it. besides, one cup a day is good for you.
After doing some research on the effects Antioxidants have on the muscles in your body, after an intense workout, I began drinking coffee or green tea of a morning for the health benefits, aiding in muscle recovery etc. I stick to green tea now though.