Green Tea?

I have always heard green tea is good for you, but I don't like the taste. I was at wal-mart tonight and was looking around at all the pills they have, and came across a green tea pill plus Hoodia pill. It was like 4.50, so I picked it up. But I wanted to get some opinions before I take it. Just kinda wondering what exactly green tea and hoodia do for the body. I tried searching but didn't find exactly what I was looking for.
Well I'm no expert but here's what I know from asking around and the internet (great sources yes? haha). When I asked my doctor she confirmed for me that green tea is actually good for the digestive system, and I have done research on it. Hoodia however seems to be kind of a "fad" ingredient to me, and some studies show that it might cause damage to the liver. But there are studies showing green tea is good stuff, so any capsules with just green tea I would think are fine. I've also read about Oolong tea though, which I don't know as much about, but I'm told its very similar to green tea. Maybe you'd like the taste of that better? Maybe someone here knows more about that. Anyway, thats just my .02 on green tea.
Well I am going to hold off on these pills then b/c of what you are saying about the liver thing. Maybe somebody could confirm it?