Sport Green Tea a Diuretic?

Sport Fitness
I've replaced coffee with green tea, and have 1 - 2 cups a night. However, this makes me pee like mad - I need to go to the bathroom about once for every cup. Is green tea a diuretic? If so, does this mean it's having a negative effect on my hydration levels? Should I drink another cup or two of water after my tea and before bed?
Is green tea a diuretic? If so, does this mean it's having a negative effect on my hydration levels? Should I drink another cup or two of water after my tea and before bed?

Your right, but maybe over reacting.
Green tea is a diuretic, how ever its only very very slight. If you drink more water then you'll just need to pee even more. As long as your drinking enough water during the day it wont be any sort of problem.

You have swiched from coffee to green tea, thats a good enough change as it is.
1-2 cups a night?

I hope you sleep during the day. If you want a duiretic (for whatever reason) may want to try dandelion root.
Trainerty - I think you may have miss-read her post.
She doesn't want a duiretic, she wanted to know how to combat the duiretic properties of green tea