Weight-Loss Green Giant....



New member
So what do you guys think about the Green Giant frozen packaged lunch/dinner bags? I ate one today and do any of you also eat those? Are they good for you as they contain vegetables and they come out to be a delicious meal. I buy some of this pre-packaged "healthy" meals as i am a college student.

So what do you guys think about those Green Giant, Lean Cuisine, healthy choice meal type of things?
The best advice I can give with regards to 'processed' foods - If it has more than five ingredients - especially if they are ingredients you cannot pronounce - don't eat it. It's not healthy.

If you're a college student. I presume youare ona budget -you will eat cheaper and healthier if you cook real foods.. and not go for the processed stuff...
Yeah i try to stick to cooking real food. I bought a "healthy" cookbook and have not put it to use that much because i am always cramped on time. I tend to spend about $50 a week on food. I read the Nutrition facts when i was cooking it and it said it had 920mg of Sodium which was 41%, 8g of Protein, 200 Calories per serving which was in 1 cup servings.

My usual habit is either eating oatmeal, Whole bunches of oats cereal, eggs, and toast with very light butter. When i come back from class i usually eat a banana and a mandarine orange then i head to workout and do 4-5 miles worth of cardio and 30-40 minutes of lifting, head back and i just make the healthiest thing i could put together or am craving for the night. I only drink water, OJ, and AJ.
oj and apple juice tend to be high in calories -I'm not a fan of wasting calories on drinks you might want to consider cutting them with seltzer water to get most of the flavor with half the calories and sugar.

Make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet... your body really needs it to function.. if you don't have one already --get an account at and keep track of what you're eating...

there's a lot you can do with 50 dollars a week - and a lot of preplaning so you don't have to rush around at last minute...
Yeah, i already took your advice on the fitday site, i have been trying to use it as much as i can. I tend to eat, chicken and fish, i have a couple of flank steaks in my freezer that i should eat soon, and that pretty much takes up my protein everyday. I drink a lot more water than i do OJ and AJ. Much appreciation for your help.