Gravity/inversion boots

Hi everyone,

I recently bought a pair of inversion boots (they're really ankle attachments) that I use on a pullup bar at home.

When hanging upside-down, is there some kind of backup plan I can rely on if I can't get my hands back up onto the bar to release my feet?

At one time by accident, I hooked only one foot in place and almost released my grip. I would have been hanging by one foot! Has anyone ever experienced this or found a way to avoid this?
Gravity boots are a great method to invert, and they certainly helped my back pain. But... it sounds like you may want something with a bit more safety. I would not use my gravity boots if I were at all concerned about getting safely down.

I was using the , which is a bit easier because you have something to grasp mid-way up to the bar when you're done inverting and want to get back up.

I recently purchased an inversion table (Teeter Hang Ups brand, the same people who make Spyder Gravity boots). It works great, and I think it would be worth the investment for you if you're having trouble with the bar and the boots.

I love mine, I got the inversion table. There are less expensive tables, but I would stick with a well known/high quality brand like Teeter since you are hanging upside down with it!

That same site where I bought my table has a lot of that may help you out as well.