


:( My grandma is very sick, we took her to the hospital today. She has a horrible infection, a pinched nerve cause her almost to be unable to walk, and massive swelling in her legs. She is allergic to anti-inflamitories.. so they put her on an antibiotic and tylonal 3 with codine.. 2 every 4 hrs. It confuses her mind.. but she was in so much pain she was crying.

The doctor says there is nothing he can do much for her.. too many problems. But if the meds don't work and if the swelling doesn't go down and the pinched nerve un pinch... they are gonna have to have her go to physical therapy.which is difficult becalse both my parents and I work.. and my mother has the busiest sceduale ever.... but the worst thing.. is she prob wont make it. She is so sick.. :(
I'm so sorry, sweetie :(

/me says a prayer or three for your grandma..

I'm so sorry for your poor Grandma. It is so hard to watch a loved one in pain, especially the most venerable ones. Hopefully the physical therapy will be beneficial. Elderly people are more resilient than they seem sometimes. They can surprise you. Keep your chin up.

I'll be thinking about your family this weekend.
Thanks al.. she has been getting sick almost monthly.. but this is worse than usual... not good :(