Sport Grains

Sport Fitness
I wanted to get some feedback to see who eats bread.

I know it seems dumb, but I thought eating no more than 2 slices of regular sandwich bread (whole grain) is healthy, part of the grains food group.

I am not used to eating rice or potatoes so I rely on my bread. Does anyone not eat bread because they think it adds to fat storage?
Whole grain bread is fine in theory, but most manufacturers add sugar, hfcs, tons of salt among other things. If you look hard enough or make it yourself it's a great choice.
Yeah, what GOOCH said. My pops makes some wicked bread. That mofo is heavy like a brick, so packed with grains and goodness.
Arnold's whole grain breads are great no HFCS only 3g of sugar and best of all they taste great. I prefer the 7 grain but there whole lineup is good. I usually will eat grains though before 5 P.M.
'whole grain' bread is often a joke. not enough fiber usually, and loaded with sugars, salt, preservatives...

not always, just 'often'.

When I eat my oatmeal, I know the ingredients: oatmeal, water, heat.
'whole grain' bread is often a joke. not enough fiber usually, and loaded with sugars, salt, preservatives...

not always, just 'often'.

Read the ingredients list and nutrition labels carefully, or make your own to have full control over what goes into your bread.
while I still eat plenty of grains, in my own ideal diet, the only grains I would eat would be oats in the morning. The rest of my carbs would be fruits and veggies. I, however, really enjoy toast and sandwiches so that aint happenin :p
I just think grains are void of any real nutritional benefit aside from easy carbs and some fiber. ~> both of which fruit easily takes care of with much more nutrition in em.
I don't eat the bread made in North America. I never really acquired a taste for it. Most of it is too doughy and soft.

My rule of thumb is the lighter the color of the bread, the less nutritional value it has. I go for the darker breads.

I eat Rubschlager or Feldkamp rye and black pumpernickel. Rubschlager also makes a nice European Style Whole Grain bread and a Sunflower Multi-Grain that aren't so bad.
I like a nice dark rye, it's difficult finding good producers, examining the ingredience lables and going online for the actuall ingredience and reputation. ones i typacly get are a flaxseed type bread that spoil in about 3 weeks.