Got challanged by a friend.

Well, basicly ive been challanged by a friend to do a match hour training up till this summer and beach 2009.

Wich basicly means, that every week we tally the amount of hours spent training and see who gets the most hours. The one with most hours for that week will get a point. if both get equal amount of hours we both score points.

Anywho, ive been talking to my dad who is a swedish ironman champion for his class, and meeting the critera of most hours spent with least wear and tear on the body is cycling.

So ive decided to make a training rutine where i go biking every other day and do swimming inbetween, and once or twice a week i do some time at the gym.

the goal is to get us both into decent shape for this summer.

But i have a few problems, i cant keep my fathers diet couse then i would die. we are not built the same way, so i have to come up with a diet that suits me better.

Im extremely, well i wouldnt use the term skinny.. but i could really stand to gain quite alot of weight, at the moment im at around 130 pounds (dont know the american metric system very well but i use a conversion calculator from kilograms). Im 5.6 feet tall and i next to no body fat.

My body will not tell me if im not suplying enough 'juice' to keep it going, it never has.. it will always just adjust.. and thats bad.. so i have to figure out a steady intake of food that will make sure i cant put myself into harms way.

Let me just tell you what im talking about, i worked at mcdonalds for 4 years.. i ate nothing but mcdonaldsfood for 4 years and i never gained or lost weight. Ive been sitting infront of my computer for 3 years doing nothing but binge snackfood and soda's.. and i never gained or lost weight. Ive spent 2 years sitting infront of my computer dirt poor only eating noodles every other day couse thats what i could afford, and i still didnt loose any weight.

So i have to get a rock solid nutrition system.. if anyone has any idea's for the typ of training im about to embark on please let me know.. i will train alot in terms of time, but it wont always be intense.
Im extremely, well i wouldnt use the term skinny.. but i could really stand to gain quite alot of weight, at the moment im at around 130 pounds (dont know the american metric system very well but i use a conversion calculator from kilograms). Im 5.6 feet tall and i next to no body fat.

If you are looking to gain weight, then trying to do as much cardio as possible isn't the right answer. Decide what your goal is, either building muscle and gaining weight or staying the same and having great endurance for biking.
Hello Emilaman! You said alot there. Thats what makes life so great is the challenges that we have. We grow maximum during support and challenge! You can't go wrong with raw vegetables olive oil and some good fish or chicken mixed together! Eat plenty of grains like oatmeal brown rice. If your a meat eater go for it. Me personally I stay away from the meat. Try gaining a couple of pounds see how you feel. You can always redistribute your weight later and tone. Thanks for sharing Take care! ilovesuccess