Hello. For starters, I am 5'6.5" - 5'7" (I tried my best lol), 120 lbs, and I am a bit frustrated with the way my body looks. I am really skinny, and about nothing I've tried has seem to change that. I've tried the basic push-ups and crunches routine, I've tried this one calisthenics routine I found online (Sandeep's Fitness Page), and I even did Wii Fit (Don't laugh: It worked somewhat for me, especially since I didn't have a workout plan before ). But, no matter what, I've never really noticed any gains from the exercises. I still have major trouble doing more than ~11-12 pushups at a time, and while my abs are okay, I still want some more definition. I had Gym last year in school, so as far as lower body goes, while I would like a bit more work there, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. My main question is: What are some good upper body exercises for people like me who can't afford a gym membership or a simple weight set? Just as an end-note, I hardly eat: 1-2 times a day is the norm for me, and they're not all big meals. Some days, I just eat cookies and drink water, which serves as a "meal" of some sorts :|.