Good Upper Body Calisthenics?

Hello. For starters, I am 5'6.5" - 5'7" (I tried my best lol), 120 lbs, and I am a bit frustrated with the way my body looks. I am really skinny, and about nothing I've tried has seem to change that. I've tried the basic push-ups and crunches routine, I've tried this one calisthenics routine I found online (Sandeep's Fitness Page), and I even did Wii Fit (Don't laugh: It worked somewhat for me, especially since I didn't have a workout plan before :p). But, no matter what, I've never really noticed any gains from the exercises. I still have major trouble doing more than ~11-12 pushups at a time, and while my abs are okay, I still want some more definition. I had Gym last year in school, so as far as lower body goes, while I would like a bit more work there, I'm pretty satisfied with what I have. My main question is: What are some good upper body exercises for people like me who can't afford a gym membership or a simple weight set? Just as an end-note, I hardly eat: 1-2 times a day is the norm for me, and they're not all big meals. Some days, I just eat cookies and drink water, which serves as a "meal" of some sorts :|.
The not eating is your problem. Your body doesn't have enough supply to keep up with demand, so it just uses what reserves it has after it depletes what you ate, i.e. in simplistic terms, it starts eating itself.

The only way to gain is to eat. There's no way around it. Your body is just like a construction zone of sorts. It can't BUILD without the supplies. Your body needs EXCESS nutrients to BUILD. SUPPLY it with those nutrients. Even the most horrible routine will see gains (albeit minimal by comparison to a good one) with the proper diet.
Here's a little something that I do and Im sure that it would help improve your health and fitness tone and body.
Here it is:

Dont slow down, just set your mind to it, move forward and in time you'll see yourself in a better shape. Personally, from my own experience, seeing myself toner only gives me more encouragement to keep moving forward.

With Best of Hope,
am in the same shoes, i dont want to eat alot so i dont get fat , but dont want to undereat so i dont loose the muscles

So you have to do a very balanced diet , with an increase of 200 Calaries over your daily intake as a start for example and see how that goes
eat eat eat..even if you do gain a little body fat you will burn it up if you are working out intensely..I am 5'10" and 165 pounds with a lean muscle build but i have to consistently work out and make sure i dont miss meals to maintain this.incidently i did get up to 195 pounds a couple years ago by just eating out a lot and not working out but i have since lost it. You want to gain lean muscle and not just body fat. make sure you eat veggies and carbs and protien. dont neglect the veggies.