Good time to take a weight gainer shake.

I do apologise for re-posting my diet in yet another topic, but I feel that if I post it in my old topic, along with my new question, it will be overlooked because the old topic name refers to an old question of mine, if that makes sense.

Through reading over these boards, and gathering advice from users, I have come to the decision that a 500-600calorie per shake weight gainer would be a good way to up the calories in my diet, and put on some more weight.

My current diet is as follows.

Breakfast: (Was told I need more protein at breakfast)
All-Bran with Low Fat Milk
1 Banana (Sliced and put on All-Bran)

Morning Tea:
1 Small low fat yoghurt
Cottage Cheese
2 Toasted Cheese Sandwiches
1 Apple

Cooked skinless chicken breast
1 Banana
1 Peach

Afternoon Tea
1 cup of Yoghurt
1/5 large Can of Tuna (70g, 2.5oz) (Monday and Friday)
2 egg whites (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Weekend)

Stir Fry, Pasta etc.
Glass of skim milk

When I do buy my weight gainer powder (tommorow), I'm not sure when would be the best time to take it. I work out mon/tue/thur/fri for an hour per session. 3 hours after lunch, I go to gym, then I come home and immediately have afternoon tea.

Based on the recommended number of servings per day, that will hopefully be stated on the label, when should I have my shake/s?

1 serving per day: Straight after gym, for example?
2 servings per day: Straight after gym, and before bed, for example
3 servings per day:

I have no problem drinking my servings whole aswell. I wont split them down into even smaller servings.

Once again sorry for all questions I've been posting recently, but I've just about got all the information I need to get me on track to gaining some lean muscle mass! Very exciting.

Thankyou for everybodies input.
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