Good tasting Protein shake?

ON ANY WHEY. it tastes like nothing, it's flavorless, so there is no flavor to get tired of. :) my cure for crappy taste
milk, or some sort of casein protein is best before bed because it's slow release instead of quickly like whey
It depends on the brand you go with. However casein may not mix well without a blender. using a shaker can cause it to clump up...and that can be real nasty (like drinking curdled milk)
Whey or nitro tech. i am thinking about taking nitro tech but it so dang expensive and i am poor lol. i have been doing cell tech for a month and seen good results but after my last few scoops i am gonna just do protien shakes what should i buy nitro or whey. and how many times a day should i drink protien.
nitrotech is 97% whey, so there isn't a huge difference there. but nitrotech is said to have beneficial androgenic sideefects (NO increase). but personally i have, in the past, taken 2 tubs of nitrotech and seen no other benefits besides protein.

take a protein shake (whey) right when you wake up, right before, and right after your workout.

casein should be taken right before bed.

throughout the day just go with anything with protein. chicken, tuna, lean beef, lean pork, etc..
Don't waste your time of money on nitrotech or celltech. The stuff doesn't work and the company just spends all of their money on advertisments instead of research
i will have to disagree i have gotten good results with just a 4 lb tube of celltech. but it is very expensive. so i think that i am off creatine and going to just take protien.
i put on 30 pounds of muscle in a month with cell tech and nitro tech

weigh 200
bench max-405
leg press-2000+/-
LOL, look at those damn stats Marvin...looks like you didn't even need any of that ****, dayam.