The best supplement: EDUCATION in what your fitness goal IS.
There is no magic diet. But there is a magic supplement. Its education.
Educating yourself in what you are doing, and manipulating when necessary.
In its most
If one could eat enough salad (and I mean just the lettuce) in one day (if this were possible), and it was more than they needed, one could get fat, if the trend was long enough.
This "what" (the lettuce) isn't healthy to eat all time, however

It is not
"what you eat", but
"how much of what you eat that matters" (
from the whelm of the basics), and the
"what you eat" (and
"when you eat it"), can be
personal manipulations within one's diet--that can be made
powerful, when coupled with
"how much of what you eat and when you eat it". If this makes
"not what you eat" and
"how much of what you eat that matters" opinion:
This is found in learning your basic and fundamental approximate calorie needs, personally specific to you. And, modified in accordance to the goal you are after: Calorie Deficit for fat loss, and Calorie Surplus for weight gain.
In its most raw and basic format.
Keeping things "equal", cut calories down from your activity level of calories and lose tissue. For some the "type" of food simply will not matter all that much, as along as an appropriate calorie deficit is present.
Now, we move to the
"what you eat" (and
"when you eat it"), and
personal manipulations within one's diet--
that can be made powerful, and needed for some that have certain complications with nutrients and types of foods (such as fructose types carbohydrates, Lactose, and so on).
One lost quite a bit of weight, just cutting calories. However, they hit a plateau, and tissue loss stopped, and they become frustrated. There body fat is low, but its not near the place they want.
This is where
"manipulating what you eat, and when you eat it" is very powerful--------->and does matter.
You take what you have learned in the calorie basics (of yourself), and manipulate the macro nutrients (thus changing "what you eat and the content of what you eat"), and may even change "when you eat it" as compared to the "easy weight loss" period.
Soul of this post:
1. Learn your personal calorie needs.
Adjust according to your personal goals. Educate yourself on all the dietary basics as much as feasibly possible. Learn about foods and their nutrient content, etc.
2. Learn how to manipulate the calorie and macro nutrients.
This is important because there may be in time in your goal path, where this WILL BE REQUIRED for you to progress further.
Best wishes,