Good Supplements for energy

Ok...I took my 2 weeks leave and I got to say...I didn't do jack but relax, eat and drink beer...and I have to say again, it screwed up my it was much needed...

anyhow, I'm now gettin ready to head back to the wonderful country of Iraq for 3 more months before I get home. My goal is to get trim...not so much cut, but something presentable... I'm thinking that it won't take me long to get where I was at before I went on my bing, but I am looking for alittle more help...I'm not so much interested in fat burners, but looking for somethign that will give me a boost in energy to lift maybe alittle more weight or push me that extra mile when running. (No, not steroids) My question is what supplements are available for me? What has someone used in the past that they really liked?

Chillen, please throw in your posts...your post are just great to did you get such a great attitude? I could defianately use you as a trainer...

Hey, forget the supplements and focus on carbs as your energy. Appropriate types and amount pre,during and post exercise. Although creatine may help with your lifting.

(sorry i might be the exact opposite of chillen as you can see) ;)
well, the problem with food, is I have no idea what is good or bad, no idea on what foods do what. I eat whatever looks healthy and what little knowledge I have on food. Like chicken with no skin, or something green. I don't have the option either to fix whatever either. I take what is there.

Now, from reading, more muscle burns more calories. Essentially, if I increase my muscle mass, I'll burn more calories. Are their supplements that promote muscle growth? Not something that retains water in muscles, but actual muscle growth?

Yep increase your muscle mass and youll increase your metabolism. Again, forget this supplements theres no easy way out. You want to build musle mass then you gotta put in some work with your weights, ensuring your getting enough calories to meet your daily expenditure - unles you want to lose weight as well.
Yep increase your muscle mass and youll increase your metabolism. Again, forget this supplements theres no easy way out. You want to build musle mass then you gotta put in some work with your weights, ensuring your getting enough calories to meet your daily expenditure - unles you want to lose weight as well.

Increasing muscle mass will increase calorie expenditure and likewise base line needs, I do not dispute; however, this pales to the almighty partners below:

The much more powerful stroke to metabolism are: The calorie manipulation and/or exercise manipulation. In healthy individuals, this combo can prevent plateaus as well as break plateaus and the only supplement needed: Is a ROCK ON mind set. :)

Side Effect: Intensive success, and a continual injection of ROCK ON-idis.

A side note of caution: As weight loss is accumulated or if weight is gained remember this: You calorie needs can also change in the process. And, at a certain point, modifications may have to be made.

Am I High? Yep stoned as hell on the abolute POWER of calorie and exercise manipulations.

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