In weight loss point of view there isn't good sugar, but there is better sugar.
Brown sugar is much better than white sugar. It contains carbohydrates, which your body will absorb slower than these in white sugar, but still not fast enough.
About fruits. They contain fructose, which is king of sugar with simple words. Fruits are not so good for diet as much people think - some of them actually. It is not very wise to eat fruits after food, which your body will absorb faster than them,
I suggest you to count on kernels. But escape baked kernels. You have to search for fresh nuts. They contain Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, which are great if you are on diet.
My conclusion:
Best you can do now is just to replace white sugar with brown if you can afford this. It is more expensive than white sugar, but it is better diet choice
You speak just as man who was 256 pounds. Because of what you think about sugar you are fat.
The man just ask a question. Answer his question. We speak about sugar.
Don't say bad things about nuts. May be you don't know that they contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Try to say something bad about them.
Fruits are not better than nuts, because all people who have knowledge know that you can eat nuts with every meal you have. You can't eat fruits with every meal.
Think about that. And I hope next time you will have much knowledge to give smart answer.
You really want to be right, but you are not. I will give you my sources. It is all fitness and bodybuilding magazines I have read.
Is this enough? Do you want to know why fruits are not so good? I will tell you, because it seems you really don't know.
They contain fructose, which is similar to glucose. If you eat too much fruits fructose is going to be stored as fats. If you eat fruits as dessert they will ferment, because your body absorbs them faster than your normal diet food like rice and meat. So, think what happened when you put fast food in top of slow food.
I don;t want to argue with you. I study from fitness competitors and their secrets. They have much more knowledge than any other nutritionist.
I think I read enough and I can share my knowledge. I don't know much things, but I think if you are able to lose fats without losing muscles means you know enough.
Hope we are going to stop arguing, because people want to know something not just to read two people conversation. I will suggest to everyone if he want to know more about nutrition, training and supplements, just to buy some fitness and bodybuilding magazine.
Thank you.
As I said OI don't want to argue with you. Here is question to be answered. I gave my answer. I gave my sources.
If you want to throw down the gauntlet, do it in front of fitness or bodybuilding competitor like Jay Cutler, because I am trying to use their knowledge.
If you think they do not look good or they are too stupid to achieve their goals then argue with them.
So why do sultanas and other dry fruit have giant sugar contents? =S
And can we keep it cool, you can discuss this in a pm not my thread. Im sorry Im not trying to be rude but I dont want this to be closed ( if they do that here :S) because you guys cannot agree.
I appreciate the help .
Dried fruit have basically had all the water sucked out of them, so they weigh less, but have all the fructose left in them.
Eating raw fruit is much better for you than eating dried fruit, sometimes dried fruit has sugar added, and raw fruit's water content keeps you full.
By the way, everything Miro has said is wrong. Yes, excess sugar will cause a spike in insulin which can inhibit fat burning. But eating 2-3 servings of sugar is good for you, provides your body with vitamins and does not have enough sugar to cause an insulin spike.
austin_88 are you lost your mind. You can not eat 2-3 servings. This man asked you a question and you two made it scene where to experiment with your suggestions.
And what sugar vitamins. Sugar contains fast carbohydrates. You can eat sugar after training, because of the "Glucose window". 2-3 times is your answer. If this man listen to you his weight will double.
This is my last post on this topic, because I can not convince two people who want to argue and not help.
Sorry about my sharp words days ago, but I am still sure you are not right.