Try one of Patrick Goudeau's step videos. If you have Netflix, he's on there--you can see which one you like.
Also, he's guest hosting some of the All Star Fitness episodes--they've featured him a few times with his step routine. His stability ball routine is pretty inventive.
Anyway, he's a bit of a breath of fresh air--he's got a lot of energy and enthusiasm and a whole lot of personality without being at all Richard-Simmons-like.
I like that his programs are heavily choreographed--once you get his style down, it's easier, but he blew me away at first. He instructs well--fairly slowly a few times with lots of repetition. Some of the DVDs have bonus sections that have even-slower instruction in case you missed it the first times around.
Aside of this, the other great things about his presentation style: there are no sunset or sunrise backdrops and the music is great. He just works in a plain studio.