Weight-Loss Good skin



New member
Can someone give me some good tips for a diet that helps you lose weight, and also give better skin. I dont have terrible skin, but I would like better skin. What can I do diet wise to help improve. Yes, way stupid question...
Eat healthy! Simple as that. Cut calories, cut out junk foods, reduce processed foods, avoid saturated and trans fats - and sugary foods. Instead, eat nutrient dense foods: aim to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg per day - try whenever possible to eat fresh, local, in season, and even organic produce (within budgetary limits!). Vary your diet, especially the fruit and veg - try not to restrict yourself. Also (within your calorific allowance), consider some nuts and seeds - almonds might be a good choice. Eat some good fats - such as the nuts and seeds - or oils such as flax oil, extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil etc. Eat plenty of good lean protein - vegetable proteins, chicken and turkey white meat (not processed or fried), fish, some boiled eggs, reduced fat dairy products (not too much mind if you also want to lose weight).

Eating healthy nutritious foods and eating properly (ie. eating small and often) will help you lose weight as long as you are also controlling your total calorific intake. Combine it with exercise to fuel your metabolism, and you have the foundations of a top grade weightloss plan.

I bought the book when I seen it on Oprah, but I never tried it because the diet is so gosh darn expensive. But it's totally good for the skin, on Oprah they had people come on with before and after pictures and it was really amazing. The skin looked healthier and younger and more plump.

In the book it gives daily menus on what to eat, how to exercise, how to wash your skin (with their special products), etc.

The diet consists of A LOT of

If I had the money, I would definitely do that. But I agree with the above, just eat healthy, take vitamins, exercise, eat fruit and protein, and fatty acids. The normal stuff, you'll be fine.
I agree about the pericone promise... the diet is pretty sound and his super foods are interesting - to be honest i bought the book when it first came out and never really got past the first few chapters becaue it seemed like an advertisement for his products.

Somewhere in theb ook he says that the diet isn't necessarily for weight loss - but based on how many of us ate pre-diet - it probably would result in weight loss.. and you're just eating healthier.

His superfoods are
Acai - it's some sort of berry of a tree that grows in the amazon
the allium family (leeks garlic onions)
greens (grasses he's talking about here - wheat grass, barley grass - anything with a high concentration of chlorophyll
Beans and lentil
hot peppers
nuts and seeds
yogurt and kefir

he's also big into spices

The basic gist of his diet that every meal and snack should have three important nutriets - Protein, low glycemic carbs and essential fats

if you can find a copy of the book - definitely check out themenus in the back and i'd ignore the supplements he says you need - but i suppose they couldnt hurt :D