Good routine?

Day 1:
Dumbbell pullover
dumbbell incline bench press
machine chest flye

dumbbell lateral raise
machine shoulder press
upright row cable

Triceps bench dip
cable pushdown
lying triceps extension
triceps kickback

Day 2:

Day 3:
standing biceps curl
dumbbell biceps curl
incline dumbbell curl
Cable seated low row
Cable straight arm pulldown
Assisted pullup

Day 4:

Day 5:
Prisoner Squat
Dead lift
Machine leg press
machine leg extensions
Toe toch
dumbbell torso twist
ab twist
hanging knee raise

Day 6&7: OFF

Is this a good routine? I heard something about push/pull thing so I'm down that, also is it a good idea to switch which muscle group you are working out after each exercise like say If I do 3 sets of dumbell pullover (CHEST) and then for my next exercise I do Machine shoulder press (SHOULDERS) and then Triceps and then chest... keeps going

thanks alot
Take a look at the stickies.
No, I don't think this is a particularly good routine.

As for rotating muscle groups within the session (eg doing chest, shoulders, tris, chest, shoulders, tris, chest, shoulders, tris), there are pros and cons. The main pro would be that your second/third/etc exercises for each muscle group won't be coming straight off the bat from the already fatigued muscle group. However, as you're using a lot of the same general muscles on the same day, this may be negated (eg if you've just done a bench press, your anterior delts, upper pec and triceps will be fatigued going into an overhead press, which will fatigue your triceps going into a skullcrusher, which will fatigue your triceps going into dips, etc).

Generally, the rotating muscle groups method works on fullbody routines, or routines that use antagonist muscle groups in the same day. Chest, tri and shoulders, for example, aren't antagonist muscles. Chest/tri and back/bi are, however. So if I do 3 sets of bench press followed by 3 sets of barbell rows, my push muscles will be very recovered by the time I do some overhead presses.