good or bad?

I work grave yard shifts and i get really tired at night. The only thing that will give me energy is sobe NO FEAR energy drink. The other day i drank 3 bottles in 20min. My hand and body started shaking and my blood presure was very high. I felt my heart beating very fast. I also coulndt stand in one spot i felt like running. Ok now this is my question. If i continue drinking about 3 bottles a week will it effect my body? Does it have bad side effects?
Stay away from that ****. If you must take something just take half a caffein pill like no-doze. Each are 200mg, so 100mg is what you want. No more than 1 every 4 hours.

Sleep is still extreemly important. Without 7 hours of sleep your body will not repair muscles from weight lifting, and in doing so you go no where. And your cortisol levels will rise and your body will be more likely to store fat.
caffine pill? what the hell.... where do you buys those.. i never heard of that before. But i get my 7hrs of sleep sometimes even up to 12hrs of sleep. I just need energy. And i also need to know the side effects of the energy drink... not just to say that **** is bad.
Toly said:
caffine pill? what the hell.... where do you buys those.. i never heard of that before. But i get my 7hrs of sleep sometimes even up to 12hrs of sleep. I just need energy. And i also need to know the side effects of the energy drink... not just to say that **** is bad.

They put a ton of chemicals in those your body does not want inside it! You can get caffeine at your local drug store
Hey Toly,

It sounds like you've got a serious physilogical imbalance of the autonomic nervous system due to circadian stress and the side effects of that, coupled with the highly excitatory "energy drink" that you are drinking... you are experiencing a massive lack of VITALITY.

So, what the hell does this mean?

It means that if you don't begin to get to get to bed on time (10:30pm the latest) that you will not only continue to be tired all the time but you can also look forward to: Loss Of Libido/Sex Drive, Adrenal Stress, Depressed Immunity, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, A Severe Decrease In Your Body's Ability To Elevate Anabolic Hormones Such As TESTOSTERONE, GROWTH HORMONE, DHEA, etc.

Essentially you will become sick, sad, weak, tired and unable to get "it" up.

Instead of filling your body with toxic substances like sugar, caffine and Sobe Drinks that futher your already obvious imbalance... here is what you need to do:

1) Get to bed no later than 10:30 pm and wake at 6:30... this is the ONLY time that your body is totaly focused on secreating ANABOLIC hormones and repairs your tissue.

Now, if this means that you need to make a change in your work situation... then get crackin'. No boss is going to give a sh*t that you need your rest so that you can live a long vibrant and vital life, filled with great sex and rock solid muscles. You need to take a stand for yourself and demand that your prioirites are honored. If the "cheese" has moved, you gotta look in another hole.

2) NO stimulants after 2pm

3) Eat right for your Metabolic Type,dring plenty of H2O and train hard!

It is only when we begin to recognise and choose against living dysfunctional lifestyles that our true potential will be met. No pill or drink will make up for treating your body like a lifeless machine.


Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"
Man...all the side effects you have said are mostly true.... I am tired almost all the time and i dont cheak out girls as much as i used to. Plus i have to wait longer bofore i workout agian becuase my muscles take longer to heal.

Yea i think i should change my schedule. i work from 7pm-3am 5 times a week. But is there any way i can get my body to stay healthy with this scedule... becuase these are the only hrs my boss can offer me.

But thanks for the info i appreciate it.

We are designed to go to rise and fall with the sun... it's just the way Mother Nature designed us. We can choose fight it - but it will be in vain.

With the advent of the electrical lighbulb we have abandoned our traditional means for supporting a sustainable lifestyle. No boss is gonna want to hear that you need to get to bed on time so that you can fulfill your potential and live a happy, healthy life.

Let's step into the relam of Infinate Possibilities for a moment (the place where genious' operate from... Einstein, Edison, Emerson, etc.)... Consider that if you left this job for your own personal well being, that a better paying job that not only supports your physical and life goals but allows you an opportunity to expand your horizons and contibute to a greater good, will inevitably come along.

If you havent already done so, read the book "Who Moved My Cheese?" - your life is too valuable and too short to be stuck in situations that dont serve you. Take a stand for what your heart belives to be right and true, become bigger than the circumstances! You deserve it.

email me if you need any support

Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"
So go to bed at 10.30? Or actually be asleep by 10.30 is what we should aim for?

I also hear getting more than 8 hours per night is baaaad for you.
umm i think you should go to bed around 10-12pm that probably normal time. Yea sleeping too much is bad.... I sleeped for 13hrs now i cant sleep! ive been up for 14hrs. Man my sleeping is all messed up.
You primal instinct that determines your ciradian rythem is designed in such a way that you begin releasing anabolic hormones in the late afternoon... this is why so many people need a "pick-me-up" around 4pm. Remember, meletonin is an anabolic hormone and it is designed to put you into a calm-relaxing state of being that is conducive to tissue and mind repair.

Today things are very different, so a general rule of thumb is to :Have Your Head On the Pillow No Later Than 10:30. An interesting note, every hour that you sleep before 12am is equal to 4 hours post midnight... these are the most critical hours for repair.

If you are having a hard time adapting to this schedule, remeber that you have taken several months or years to entrain your current ways of life... it may take you several weeks or months to fix it. But dont give up. A great resource for assisting you back to strength and vitality through proper circadian health is :
The Body Clock Guide To Better Health by. Dr. Michael Smolensky

I encourage you to read this as it will give many suggestions as to how you can regain your "Primal Cycle". As you mentioned, too much sleep is also a problem because it throws off your cycle as well! Just imagine your Primal ancestors sleeping until 11am! "They'd be wasting valuable daylight!"

Elliott "The Primal Guy"
Cant sleep!!!

I was recently working grave yard shifts but i stopped becuase id idnt have time to myself. Right after i stopped working grave yard shifts i started taking lipo6 (im cutting weight). The thing is.... im used to sleeping in the day so now..... i cant sleep at night no more. This has been happening for 4 days now. I dont know how to sleep normal anymore. Its hard. I try to just lay in bed but i just cant fall asleep. And i dont take the pill 4 hrs before bed too so i know its not lipo6. I dont even know if this is healthy. And if it will effect my diet.

First, I would like to adknowlede you for making a change in your work schedule... that was a big move and it shows me that you are up to something BIG.

Have you began reading the book by Dr. Michael Smolensky that I mentioned? If so you'll realize that you have "entrained" your circadian rhythem into a dysfuntional pattern and it will take a bit longer than 4 days to correct.

Next, any stimuant taken ANY time of day will destroy your rythem. If your intention is to lose weight, understand that proper sleep-wake cycles will cause a hormonal response that is condusive to fat loss, but the opposite works as well and porr patterns will make and keep you fat no matter what you take.

Finally, I invite you to make this a priority as it will become a stumbling block for many years to come if not dealt with properly now. Read the book I suggested and become an expert in this area, then win the battle. What you resist persists - but on the other end of this battle is a stronger, leaner and SMARTER You.

Use the techniques in the book to help you get to sleep at night.


Elliott "The Primal Guy"