Hey Toly,
It sounds like you've got a serious physilogical imbalance of the autonomic nervous system due to circadian stress and the side effects of that, coupled with the highly excitatory "energy drink" that you are drinking... you are experiencing a massive lack of VITALITY.
So, what the hell does this mean?
It means that if you don't begin to get to get to bed on time (10:30pm the latest) that you will not only continue to be tired all the time but you can also look forward to: Loss Of Libido/Sex Drive, Adrenal Stress, Depressed Immunity, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, A Severe Decrease In Your Body's Ability To Elevate Anabolic Hormones Such As TESTOSTERONE, GROWTH HORMONE, DHEA, etc.
Essentially you will become sick, sad, weak, tired and unable to get "it" up.
Instead of filling your body with toxic substances like sugar, caffine and Sobe Drinks that futher your already obvious imbalance... here is what you need to do:
1) Get to bed no later than 10:30 pm and wake at 6:30... this is the ONLY time that your body is totaly focused on secreating ANABOLIC hormones and repairs your tissue.
Now, if this means that you need to make a change in your work situation... then get crackin'. No boss is going to give a sh*t that you need your rest so that you can live a long vibrant and vital life, filled with great sex and rock solid muscles. You need to take a stand for yourself and demand that your prioirites are honored. If the "cheese" has moved, you gotta look in another hole.
2) NO stimulants after 2pm
3) Eat right for your Metabolic Type,dring plenty of H2O and train hard!
It is only when we begin to recognise and choose against living dysfunctional lifestyles that our true potential will be met. No pill or drink will make up for treating your body like a lifeless machine.
Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"